Instagram Public Data source

Preconditions to use Instagram Public data integration

To connect your Instagram account to, please make sure your Instagram and Facebook accounts have specific permissions and settings:

Your Instagram account must be:

You can change your account type & link your account to Facebook Page  - see how to do this in our troubleshooting article.

Table of contents

  1. Reports provided by
  2. Metrics and Dimensions each report provides
  3. Set up Instagram Public Data integration
  4. Transform your data with
  5. Set up your data destination
  6. Update data automatically on schedule

1. Reports provided by

Please take into consideration that you can analyze only public Instagram profiles that are Instagram Business accounts.

Public Profile Info

This report focuses on gathering general information about Instagram profiles that are publicly available. The data typically includes metrics such as the profile's user ID, username, full name, biography, follower count, following count, posts count. This report is valuable for understanding the general presence and reach of an Instagram account.

Public Profile Posts

This report collects data on individual posts made by the public Instagram profile. It typically includes details such as post IDs, captions, creation times, the number of likes and comments each post receives, and media URLs. This report is crucial for analyzing the performance and engagement of specific content published on the platform.

2. Metrics and Dimensions each report provides

The integration provides a variety of metrics and dimensions that help in analyzing Instagram data effectively. Metrics may include numerical data such as follower counts, post likes, and comment counts. Dimensions could involve descriptive data such as usernames, captions, or timestamps.

For a detailed exploration of all available metrics and dimensions, you can refer to  this detailed article which outlines each metric and dimension provided by the Instagram Public data integration on

3. Set up Instagram Public Data integration

The below instruction covers setting up an integration with Instagram Public Data from scratch.

To set up an integration from a pre-set dashboard template, visit our Dashboard examples and reporting templates page.

Step 1: Source application

Select "Instagram Public Data" as your source application to begin the integration process.

Step 2: Source account

Connect your Instagram account as the source. Ensure that your account is an Instagram Business Account, as personal accounts do not support insights data.

Step 3: Basic settings

Configure the basic settings to define what data you want to extract.

  • Report type: Choose between "Public Profile Info" or "Public Profile Posts" depending on the type of report you want to generate.
  • Instagram profiles: List the Instagram profile usernames you want to monitor. You can add multiple profiles each in new line, provided they are public.
    • To find Instagram profile username - open profile you interested in and copy it's name on top:
    • Put copied name to the field: 

4. Transform your data with

With's Preview and Transformation block, you can:

  • Preview your data for accuracy.
  • Manage columns by hiding, or rearranging key data.
  • Apply filters and sorting to focus on relevant information.
  • Add formula-based fields for enhanced metrics.
  • Combine datasets using data union and join features for a comprehensive analysis.

For a detailed guide on how to utilize these features, follow this link to our comprehensive tutorial.

5. Set up your data destination

Continue setting up the integration depending on the system you want to import data to. Select your tool from the list of supported data destinations and follow the relevant setup guide.

6. Update your data automatically on schedule

Turn on "Automatic data refresh" in the importer so your data remains up-to-date in the destination without requiring manual updates. 

You can schedule data imports at specific intervals (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly) and/or days, allowing you to have up-to-date information available for analysis, reporting, or decision-making. This automation enhances efficiency and ensures your reports or dashboards are always populated with the latest data.

For a detailed guide on how to utilize this feature,   follow this link to our comprehensive tutorial.

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