Instagram Public Data: supported metrics & dimensions

Public profiles info

This report focuses on gathering general information about Instagram profiles that are publicly available. This report is valuable for understanding the general presence of an Instagram account.

Group Name Description
Account Account Id Instagram Profile User ID.
Account Account name Profile username.
Account Account visible name Profile name.
Account Biography Profile bio text.
Account Picture URL Profile picture URL.
Account Website Single profile website URL.
Engagement Followers count Total number of Instagram users following the user.
Engagement Follows count Total number of Instagram users the user follows.
Engagement Posts count Total number of IG Media published on the user.

Public profiles posts

This report collects data on individual posts made by the public Instagram profile. This report is crucial for analyzing the performance and engagement of specific content published on the platform.

Group Name Description
Account Account Id Instagram Profile User ID.
Account Account name Profile username.
Post Caption Caption. Excludes album children. 
Engagement Likes The number of likes on your post.
Engagement Comments The number of comments on your post.
Post Media product type Surface where the media is published. Can be AD, FEED, STORY or REELS.
Post Media type Media type. Can be CAROUSEL_ALBUM, IMAGE, or VIDEO.
Post Media URL

The URL for the media.

The media_url field is omitted from responses if the media contains copyrighted material or has been flagged for a copyright violation.

Examples of copyrighted material can include audio on reels.

Post Owner Id Media owner ID.
Post Permalink Permanent URL to the media.
Post Thumbnail URL Media thumbnail URL. Only available on VIDEO media.
Post Published at ISO 8601-formatted creation date in UTC (default is UTC ±00:00).
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