Troubleshooting: You don't have access to any Instagram Business Account

Table of contents

  1. You have Personal Instagram account
  2. Business Instagram account not linked to Facebook page
  3. You skipped adding access to some page/account during connection setup
After running the importer, in case your connected Instagram account doesn't have access to any Professional accounts (Business or Creator), you should be notified about it with the following error message:

The error indicates one of the following most common causes for the issue and the steps necessary to fix it:

1. You are using a Personal Instagram account:

In order to be able to use your Instagram account for Instagram Insights and Instagram Public data importers, your account has to be set up as an Instagram Business Account or as an Instagram Creator Account. You have 2 ways to do this:

Via Meta Account Center
  1. Go to your Instagram account settings;
  2. Select Account type and tools:
  3. Proceed with a switch to a preferred account type (Creator or Business):
Via Instagram mobile app
  1. Navigate to your account settings -> Find section for Professionals and click "Account type and tools":
  2. Select option to Switch account to professional:
  3. Select the category of your business account:

2. Business Instagram account is not linked to a Facebook business page:

Professional accounts on Instagram can be connected to a Facebook Page. If your Instagram account not linked with Facebook Page - you will not be able to use it in (as Meta manages API accesses for Instagram accounts via Facebook Pages). In order to connect your Instagram account to a Facebook Page, please use one of two ways:

Use Meta Business suite:
  1. Go to your Facebook Business Page and click "Connect Assets: 
  2. Choose to connect and the log in to your Instagram account:
  3. Make sure to allow all accesses to your pages to ensure they are available for further imports.
Use Facebook Page settings:
  1. Login to your Facebook account.
  2. Switch Profile to needed Facebook Page:
  3. Navigate to Page:
  4. Go to Settings of the Page:
  5. Select "Linked accounts" in the Permissions section of the left menu and click "View" for Instagram account:
  6. Click "Connect account":
  7. Confirm account connection:
  8. Select Messenger settings:
  9. Login to your Instagram account and finish linking:

3. During connection you've skipped allowing access to some pages:

It may be that you connected to your Facebook account selecting only several Facebook Pages you have access to. In case you did not select Facebook Page linked to your Instagram account you may see that you don't have Instagram accounts accessible for created connection:
In case you have proper type of Instagram account and access to it — please double check selected pages in Facebook Business Integration settings:

  1. Got to your Facebook account settings.
  2. Navigate to "Business Integrations" page of "Your activity" section:
  3. For "" application - Click "View and edit" option.
  4. Check the missed Facebook Pages in "Show a list of the Pages you manage" block:
  5. Click "Save" button.
  6. Return to interface and refresh the page - account should be visible.
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