Apple Search Ads data source
Table of contents
- Reports provided by
- Metrics and Dimensions each report provides
- Set up Apple Search Ads integration
- Transform your data with
- Set up your data destination
- Update data automatically on schedule
1. Reports provided by
Campaign performance
This report provides an overview of the performance of each campaign, including metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and cost. It helps in evaluating the overall effectiveness of your campaigns.
Ad group performance
This report focuses on the performance of individual ad groups within your campaigns. It provides detailed insights into how each ad group is contributing to your campaign goals.
Ad performance
This report analyzes the performance of individual ads, offering metrics on impressions, clicks, conversions, and other key performance indicators. It allows for a granular understanding of which ads are performing best.
Keyword performance
This report provides data on the performance of specific keywords, including metrics like impressions, clicks, cost per click, and conversions. It's essential for optimizing your keyword strategy.
Search term performance
This report focuses on the actual search terms that triggered your ads. It includes metrics on impressions, clicks, and conversions, helping you to refine your keyword list and improve targeting.
Demographics and Geography
Campaign demo & geo insights
This report offers demographic and geographic insights at the campaign level, showing how different segments of your audience are interacting with your ads. Metrics include age, gender, location, and device type.
Ad group demo & geo insights
Similar to the campaign-level report, this provides demographic and geographic insights but focuses on individual ad groups. It helps in understanding the performance of ad groups across different audience segments.
Ad performance by country
This report breaks down the performance of your ads by country, providing insights into how your ads are performing in different regions. Metrics include impressions, clicks, and conversions by country.
Keyword performance by country
This report focuses on the performance of keywords by country. It helps in identifying which keywords are most effective in different geographic regions.
Search term performance by country
This report provides insights into the performance of search terms by country, helping you understand how search behavior varies across regions and optimizing your strategy accordingly.
2. Metrics and Dimensions each report provides's Apple Search Ads integration supports a wide range of metrics and dimensions to provide comprehensive insights into your ad performance. These include:
- Metrics: Impressions, clicks, conversions, cost, cost per click, downloads, installs, and more.
- Dimensions: Campaign, ad group, ad, keyword, search term, country, device type, age, gender, etc.
For a detailed list of all supported metrics and dimensions, please refer to our comprehensive article on metrics and dimensions.
3. Set up Apple Search Ads integration
The below instruction covers setting up an integration with Apple Search Ads from scratch.
To set up an integration from a pre-set dashboard template, visit our Dashboard examples and reporting templates page.
Step 1: Source application
Select "Apple Search Ads" as your source application to begin the integration process, pick your needed destination application (you can change it later), and click "set up from scratch".
Step 2: Source account
Choose the Apple Search Ads account you want to connect. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to access the account data. Review detailed guide how to connect your Apple Search Ads account.
Step 3: Basic settings
- Ad Account(s): Select the ad account(s) you want to pull data from. You can choose multiple accounts if needed.
- Report Type: Select the type of report you want to generate. Options include campaign performance, ad group performance, ad performance, keyword performance, search term performance, and demographic & geographic insights.
Step 4: Report period
- Start date: Specify the start date for the data you want to include in the report.
- End date: Specify the end date for the data you want to include in the report.
- Split data by period: Choose whether to split the data by day, week, month, etc., depending on your reporting needs.
Please be aware that the Apple Search Ads API has specific requirements for the start and end date periods depending on the selected "Split data by period" settings:
- Weekly - start and end dates should be > 14 days and ≤ 365 days apart.
- Monthly - start and end dates should be > 3 months apart.
Step 5: Dimensions (for demo & geo reports only)
- Dimensions: Select the dimensions you want to include in your report.
Dimensions help break down your data into more specific categories, such as country, device type, age, and gender.
4. Transform your data with
With's Preview and Transformation block, you can:
- Preview your data for accuracy.
- Manage columns by hiding, or rearranging key data.
- Apply filters and sorting to focus on relevant information.
- Add formula-based fields for enhanced metrics.
- Combine datasets using data union and join features for a comprehensive analysis.
For a detailed guide on how to utilize these features, follow this link to our comprehensive tutorial.
5. Set up your data destination
Continue setting up the integration depending on the system you want to import data to. Select your tool from the list of supported data destinations and follow the relevant setup guide.
6. Update your data automatically on schedule
Turn on "Automatic data refresh" in the importer so your data remains up-to-date in the destination without requiring manual updates.
You can schedule data imports at specific intervals (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly) and/or days, allowing you to have up-to-date information available for analysis, reporting, or decision-making. This automation enhances efficiency and ensures your reports or dashboards are always populated with the latest data.
For a detailed guide on how to utilize this feature, follow this link to our comprehensive tutorial.