Apple Search Ads: supported metrics & dimensions

Table of contents

  1. Metrics supported
  2. Performance reports dimensions
  3. Demo & Geo insights reports dimensions

Metrics supported

Group Name Description
Performance Impressions The number of times your ad appears in App Store search results within the reporting period.
Clicks The number of times users tap your ad within the reporting period.
Installs (total) The total number of tap-through and view-through new downloads and redownloads within the reporting period.
Installs (view) The total number of new downloads and redownloads from people who viewed your ad, but didn’t tap it, within a 1-day attribution window.
Installs (tap) The total number of new downloads and redownloads from people who tapped your ad within a 30-day attribution window.
New downloads (total) The total number of tap-through and view-through new downloads within the reporting period.
New downloads (view) New downloads from people who viewed your ad, but didn’t tap it, within a 1-day attribution window. The API counts new downloads when someone downloads your app to a device where your app hasn’t previously been installed.
New downloads (tap) New downloads from people who tapped your ad within a 30-day attribution window. The API counts new downloads when someone downloads your app to a device where your app hasn’t previously been installed.
Redownloads (total) The total number of tap-through and view-through redownloads within the reporting period.
Redownloads (view) Redownloads from people who viewed your ad, but didn’t tap it, within a 1-day attribution window. The API counts redownloads when someone downloads your app, deletes it, and downloads it again on the same device, or a different one, following an ad view.
Redownloads (tap) Redownloads from people who tapped your ad within a 30-day attribution window. The API counts redownloads when someone downloads your app, deletes it, and downloads it again on the same device, or a different one, following an ad tap.
Conversion rate (total) The total number of installs divided by the total number of taps within the reporting period.
Conversion rate (tap) The total number of tap-through installs divided by the total number of taps within the reporting period.
Clicks CTR The tap-through rate (TTR) is calculated by dividing the number of taps your ad receives by the total number of impressions.
Cost Amount spend The total spend of a campaign in the local currency of the organization.
Amount spend currency Local currency of organization.
CPA (total) The total campaign spend divided by the total number of installs within the reporting period.
CPA (tap) The total campaign spend divided by the number of tap-through installs within the reporting period.
CPC The average cost-per-tap (CPT) is determined by dividing total spend by the number of taps.
CPM The average cost per one thousand ad impressions (CPM).

Performance reports

All reports have same metrics returned, only dimensions are different based on selected report.

Campaign performance dimensions
Group Name Description
Account Account Id The identifier of the organization that owns the campaign.
Account name Ad account name.
App App Adam Id Your unique App Store app identifier. You can obtain your app adamId through Search for iOS Apps, Get a Campaign, or Get All Campaigns. You can use the EQUALS and IN selector Condition operators with Find Campaigns.
App name App name.
Report Date Report date.
Campaign Campaign Id A unique identifier for the campaign that you can use as a campaignid in endpoint resources.
Campaign name The name of the campaign, which is unique within an organization. Maximum Length: 200.
Campaign status The status of the campaign. Possible Values: DELETED, ON_HOLD, PAUSED, RUNNING.
Campaign entity status The user-controlled status to enable or pause the campaign. Possible Values: ENABLED, PAUSED.
Campaign serving status The status of the campaign. Possible Values: RUNNING, NOT_RUNNING.
Serving state reasons A list of reasons that displays when a campaign can’t run.
Lifetime budget The lifetime budget amount available to a campaign. Campaigns require a dailyBudgetAmount or a budgetAmount, or both.
Lifetime budget currency Local currency of organization.
Daily budget Your daily budget. Campaigns require a dailyBudgetAmount or a budgetAmount, or both.
Daily budget currency Local currency of organization.
Billing event The type of billing event for a campaign. Possible Values: IMPRESSIONS, TAPS.
Target countries or regions The App Store geoterritories where you’re promoting your app. Default value is US. Use an alpha-2 country code value, such as US, for the locations where you’re promoting.
Supply sources The ad placements for a campaign.
Ad channel type The channel type of an ad in a campaign. Possible values are SEARCH, DISPLAY.
Campaign updated at The date and time of the most recent modification of the object.
Is campaign deleted Indicates whether the campaign is soft-deleted.
Return other impressions The impressions that return in reports when there are fewer than 100 demographic dimensions, and fewer than 10 search terms. If Other is true, the corresponding dimensions are null.
Ad group performance dimensions
Group Name Description
Account Account Id The identifier of the organization that owns the campaign.
Account name Ad account name.
Report Date Report date.
Campaign Campaign Id The unique identifier for a campaign. You can use the EQUALS, IN, and STARTSWITH selector Condition operators with Find Ad Groups.
Return other impressions The impressions that return in reports when there are fewer than 100 demographic dimensions, and fewer than 10 search terms. If Other is true, the corresponding dimensions are null.
Ad group Ad group Id The unique identifier for the ad group that you can use as adGroupId in endpoint resources.
Ad group name The unique name of the ad group.
Start time The scheduled start date and time for the ad group. The startTime is updatable.
End time The scheduled end time and date for the ad group. The endTime is updatable.
CPA goal The cost-per-acquisition goal. Can be updated only in campaigns that use the APPSTORE_SEARCH_RESULTS supply source.
Ad group status The status of the ad group. Possible Values: DELETED, ON_HOLD, PAUSED, RUNNING.
Ad group entity status The user-controlled status to enable or pause the ad group. This field is updatable. Possible Values: ENABLED, PAUSED.
Ad group serving status The status of whether the ad group is serving. Possible Values: NOT_RUNNING, RUNNING.
Serving state reasons A list of reasons that displays when an ad group isn’t running.
Automated keywords opt-in The parameter for enabling and disabling Search Match. If true, the system automatically adds optimized keywords in addition to those you explicitly add to the ad group.
Pricing model The type of pricing model for a bid. Possible Values: CPC, CPM.
Default bid amount The default maximum cost-per-tap or cost-per-impression bid for the ad group.
Ad group updated at The date and time of the most recent modification of the object.
Is ad group deleted Indicates whether the ad group is soft-deleted.
Ad performance dimensions
Group Name Description
Account Account Id The identifier of the organization that owns the campaign.
Account name Ad account name.
Report Date Report date.
Campaign Campaign Id The unique identifier for a campaign.
Return other impressions The impressions that return in reports when there are fewer than 100 demographic dimensions, and fewer than 10 search terms. If Other is true, the corresponding dimensions are null.
Ad group Ad group Id The unique identifier for an ad group. You can use the EQUALS and IN selector Condition operators with Find Ads.
Ad Id An adId is a unique identifier that represents the assignment relationship between an ad group and an ad.
Ad Ad name The unique name of the ad assigned to an ad group. This field is required for creating and updating ads. Maximum Length: 255.
Ad status The status of the ad. This field is required in requests to Create and Update an Ad. See AdStatus for value descriptions.
Language Language of the Ad.
Creative type The type of creative. See CreativeType for value descriptions. You can create one creative per custom product page per organization.
Creative Id The unique identifier for a creative. Required for creating an ad.
Serving state reasons A list of reasons that displays when an ad isn’t running. See AdServingStatus for value descriptions.
Product page Id Product page Id.
Ad created at The date and time of the creation of the Ad object. You can use the EQUALS, LESS_THAN, and GREATER_THAN selector Condition operators with Find Ads.
Ad updated at The date and time of the most recent modification of the ad.
Is ad deleted Indicates whether an ad is deleted.
Keyword performance dimensions
Group Name Description
Account Account Id The identifier of the organization that owns the campaign.
Account name Ad account name.
Report Date Report date.
Campaign Campaign Id The unique identifier for the campaign.
Return other impressions The impressions that return in reports when there are fewer than 100 demographic dimensions, and fewer than 10 search terms. If Other is true, the corresponding dimensions are null.
Ad group Ad group Id The unique identifier for the ad group that the targeting keyword belongs to. You can use the EQUALS and IN selector Condition operators with Find Targeting Keywords in a Campaign.
Ad group name The unique name of the ad group.
Is ad group deleted Specifies if ad group was deleted.
Keyword Keyword Id A unique identifier for the targeting keyword used to update keyword bids or statuses in an ad group.
Keyword name The word or phrase targeted in App Store user searches to display your ad.
Keyword status Display status.
Keyword entity status The user-controlled status of the keyword. Possible Values: ACTIVE, PAUSED.
Match type The match type for automated keyword and bidding strategy. Possible values are BROAD or EXACT. BROAD is used to cover relevant, close variants of a keyword. EXACT targets specific terms and close variants like common misspellings and plurals.
Bid amount The maximum cost-per-tap/impression bid amount. If null, uses the defaultBidAmount from the corresponding ad group. If automatedKeywordsOptIn=true in an ad group update, it uses optimized keywords with the defaultBidAmount.
Keyword updated at The date and time of the most recent modification of the keyword object.
Is keyword deleted Indicates whether the keyword is soft-deleted.
Suggested bid An indicator that varies over time to help you incrementally increase the likelihood of your ad showing in searches in the App Store. A suggestedBidAmount isn’t a representation of a bid floor or ceiling. A suggestedBidAmount is based on various factors, including, but not limited to, historical data related to past performance and recommendations. Actual outcomes, including changes in spend and average CPA, may vary.
Search term performance dimensions
Group Name Description
Account Account Id The identifier of the organization that owns the campaign.
Account name Ad account name.
Report Date Report date.
Campaign Campaign Id The unique identifier for the campaign.
Return other impressions The impressions that return in reports when there are fewer than 100 demographic dimensions, and fewer than 10 search terms. If Other is true, the corresponding dimensions are null.
Ad group Ad group Id The unique identifier for the ad group the search term belongs to.
Ad group name The name of the ad group, unique within the campaign. Responses don’t include deleted ad groups.
Is ad group deleted An indicator of whether the ad group is soft-deleted. You can use the EQUALS and IN selector Condition operators with Get Search Term-Level Reports.
Keyword Keyword Id The unique identifier for a keyword that belongs to an ad group.
Keyword name The targeting or negative keywords.
Keyword status The state of the keyword display operation. Possible Values: AD_GROUP_ON_HOLD, CAMPAIGN_ON_HOLD, DELETED, PAUSED, RUNNING.
Match type An automated keyword and bidding strategy. Possible Values: AUTO, BROAD, EXACT. AUTO indicates optimized keyword additions, BROAD covers close variants, and EXACT targets specific terms and their close variants.
Search term Search term text The search terms used for app searches.
Search term source The source of the keyword used as a search term. Possible Values: AUTO, TARGETED. AUTO for Search Match automatic matching, TARGETED for bidded keywords.
Is search term deleted An indicator of whether the search term is soft-deleted.

Demo & Geo insights reports

Beyond the general dimensions such as Campaign ID, name, and status, demo&geo insights reports enable you to analyze metrics with the following breakdowns:

Report Level Supported Dimensions
Campaign Country, Admin Area, Age, Device Type, Gender, Locality
Ad Group Country, Admin Area, Age, Device Type, Gender, Locality
Ad Country
Keyword Country
Search Term Country
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