Google Search Console data source

Table of contents

  1. Reports provided by
  2. Metrics and Dimensions each report provides
  3. Set up Google Search Console integration
  4. Transform your data with
  5. Set up your data destination
  6. Update data automatically on schedule

1. Reports provided by

Search results performance: This report provides detailed insights into how your website is performing in Google Search. It includes metrics such as clicks, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), and average position for various dates, pages, search queries, countries and devices.

Search results performance by appearance: This report helps you to get list of search appearance types on your site.Use it as first step to get values for search appearance filter that you can use in "Search result performance" report.

Discover performance: This report tracks the performance of your content in Google Discover. It includes metrics like clicks, impressions, and average position, helping you evaluate how your content is being recommended to users in Discover.

Google News performance: This report provides data on how your content is performing in Google News. It covers metrics such as clicks and impressions, allowing you to analyze the reach and impact of your news content.

URLs index performance: This report shows the indexing status of provided website’s URLs. It includes information about indexing status, coverage issues, and other indexing-related metrics, helping you ensure that your website’s content is properly indexed by Google.

2. Metrics and Dimensions each report provides

Each report comes with a specific set of metrics and dimensions that offer detailed insights into various aspects of your Google Search Console performance. These can include impressions, clicks, conversions, spend, and much more. 

For a comprehensive list and explanation of all metrics and dimensions available for each report, please refer to our separate help center article on this topic.

3. Set up Google Search Console integration

The below instruction covers setting up an integration with Google Search Console from scratch.

To set up an integration from a pre-set dashboard template, visit our Dashboard examples and reporting templates page.

1. Set up your data source

1.1. Select source and destination applications

Select "Google Search Console" as your source application to begin the integration process, pick your needed destination application (you can change it later), and click "set up from scratch".

1.2. Connect your Google account

  • Click "Connect".
  • Log in to the Google account. 
  • Provide needed consent

1.3. Select Sites & Report type 

1.4. Select Report period

Start date - Define the start date of the period that should be covered in your report. By default, the start date is set to 6 months ago. Supported date format YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2023-06-01). This field supports macros. Learn more.

End date - Define the end date of the period that should be covered in your report. The default end date is today. Supported date format YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2023-06-30). This field supports macros. Learn more.

1.5. Select optional Dimensions and Filters by dimensions

Dimensions - Select one or few dimensions to narrow down your results:

  • Date
  • Country
  • Device
  • Page
  • Query

Filters by dimensions - Refine your results with filters. You can filter by any dimensions, even those not chosen in the previous field.

Note: To get an idea of what kinds of values you can use in "Search appearance" filter, run the Search results performance by appearance report first.

1.6. Set up report's advanced settings

Search results type - Select search type to filter results by it.

Aggregate data by - Select the appropriate data aggregation method. By default (“Auto”) Google Search Console selects aggregation method automatically.

  • If you select “Page” method - all data is aggregated by canonical URI.
  • If you select “Property” method - all data for the same property is aggregated.
  • If you select “News showcase panel” method - values are aggregated by News Showcase panel

Note: This method is available only for “Google News” and “Discover” performance reports and must be used in combination with “Filters by dimensions”: Search appearance - Equals - NEWS_SHOWCASE.

Data state - Select what data you want to be included in report.

4. Transform your data with

With's Preview and Transformation block, you can:

  • Preview your data for accuracy.
  • Manage columns by hiding, or rearranging key data.
  • Apply filters and sorting to focus on relevant information.
  • Add formula-based fields for enhanced metrics.
  • Combine datasets using data union and join features for a comprehensive analysis.

For a detailed guide on how to utilize these features, follow this link to our comprehensive tutorial.

5. Set up your data destination

Continue setting up the integration depending on the system you want to import data to. Select your tool from the list of supported  data destinations and follow the relevant setup guide.

6. Update your data automatically on schedule

Turn on "Automatic data refresh" in the importer so your data remains up-to-date in the destination without requiring manual updates. 

You can schedule data imports at specific intervals (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly) and/or days, allowing you to have up-to-date information available for analysis, reporting, or decision-making. This automation enhances efficiency and ensures your reports or dashboards are always populated with the latest data.

For a detailed guide on how to utilize this feature,   follow this link to our comprehensive tutorial.

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