Google Search Console: supported metrics & dimensions

Search results performance

Name Description
siteURL URL of your website.
clicks Click count for the row.
impressions Impression count for the row.
ctr Click Through Rate (CTR) for the row. Values range from 0 to 1.0, inclusive.
position Average position in search results.
country Country, 3-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).

Device type. Supported values:

page Page URI string.
query Query string (also known as Search terms or Keywords)
date Mertics values returned for date.

Search results performance by appearance

Name Description
siteURL URL of your website.
keys Search appearance types for website.
clicks Click count for the row.
impressions Impression count for the row.
ctr Click Through Rate (CTR) for the row. Values range from 0 to 1.0, inclusive.
position Average position in search results.

Discover performance

Supports same dimensions and metrics as "Search results performance" report.

Google News performance

Supports same dimensions and metrics as "Search results performance" report.

URLs index performance


Property Description
siteURL URL of your website.
inspect_url Inspected website URL.
verdict High-level verdict about whether the URL is indexed.
coverageState Could Google find and index the page. More details about page indexing appear in 'indexingState'.
robotsTxtState Whether or not the page is blocked to Google by a robots.txt rule.
indexingState Whether or not the page blocks indexing through a noindex rule.
lastCrawlTime Last time this URL was crawled by Google using the primary crawler.
pageFetchState Whether or not Google could retrieve the page from your server.
googleCanonical The URL of the page that Google selected as canonical.
userCanonical The URL that your page or site declares as canonical.
crawledAs Primary crawler that was used by Google to crawl your site.


Property Description
verdict The status of the most severe error on the page.
ampUrl URL of the AMP that was inspected.
robotsTxtState Whether or not the page is blocked to Google by a robots.txt rule.
indexingState Whether or not the page blocks indexing through a noindex rule.
ampIndexStatusVerdict Index status of the AMP URL.
lastCrawlTime Last time this AMP version was crawled by Google.
pageFetchState Whether or not Google could fetch the AMP.


Property Description
issues[] A list of zero or more mobile-usability issues detected for this URL.
verdict High-level mobile-usability inspection result for this URL.


Property Description
detectedItems[] A list of zero or more rich results detected on this page.
verdict High-level rich results inspection result for this URL.
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