Amazon Ads data source

Table of contents

  1. Reports provided by
  2. Metrics and Dimensions each report provides
  3. Set up Amazon Ads integration
  4. Transform your data with
  5. Set up your data destination
  6. Update data automatically on schedule

1. Reports provided by

  • Campaign Performance by Campaigns

    This report provides an overview of the performance of your campaigns. It includes metrics such as impressions, clicks, cost-per-click (CPC), and conversions.

    Currently only sponsored products campaigns are supported.

  • Campaign Performance by Ad Groups

    This report breaks down campaign performance at the ad group level, providing insights into which ad groups are performing best within each campaign.

    Currently only sponsored products campaigns are supported.

  • Campaign Performance by Campaign Placement

    This report details how your campaigns are performing across different placements, such as top of search or product pages.

    Currently only sponsored products campaigns are supported.

  • Targeting Report

    The targeting report gives insights into the performance of various targeting options, such as keywords, product targets, and audiences.

    Currently only sponsored products targeting is supported.

  • Search Terms Report

    This report shows which search terms are triggering your ads, helping you identify high-performing keywords and negative keywords.

    Currently only sponsored products search terms are supported.

  • Advertised Products Report

    This report highlights the products that were purchased after a click on your sponsored products ad, offering insights into the sales generated by your ads.

    Currently only sponsored products advertised products are supported.

  • Sponsored Products Purchased Product Report

    This report provides data on the performance of the products you are advertising, including clicks, conversions, and sales.

  • Sponsored Brands Purchased Product Report

    Similar to the sponsored products report, this report focuses on the products purchased after a click on your sponsored brands ad.

2. Metrics and Dimensions each report provides supports a variety of metrics and dimensions for Amazon Ads integration. These metrics and dimensions provide detailed insights into your advertising performance, allowing you to optimize your campaigns effectively. For a complete list of supported metrics and dimensions, please refer to our separate help center article on this topic.

3. Set up Amazon Ads integration

The below instruction covers setting up an integration with Amazon Ads from scratch.

To set up an integration from a pre-set dashboard template, visit our Dashboard examples and reporting templates page.

Step 1: Source application

Select "Amazon Ads" as your source application to begin the integration process, pick your needed destination application (you can change it later), and click "set up from scratch".

Step 2: Source account

Connect and choose the specific Amazon Ads account you wish to integrate with

Step 3: Basic settings

Configure the basic settings for your report:

  • Ad Accounts: Choose the ad account(s) you want to include in the report.
  • Report Type: Choose the type of report you want to generate.

Step 4: Report period

Define the period for your report:

  • Start Date: The beginning date of the report period.
  • End Date: The ending date of the report period.
  • Split Data by Period: Option to segment the report data by specific time intervals. You can select one option from list: Daily or Totals only.

Please be aware that the Amazon Ads API has specific requirements for the start and end date periods:

Start date should not be earlier than 95 days from today

Start date to end date range should not be more than 31 days

Step 5: Metrics

  • Select the metrics you want to include in your report.
  • You can choose multiple metrics depending on your reporting needs.

Step 6: Additional settings

Further refine your report with advanced settings if needed:

  • Advanced Filters: Apply filters to focus on specific aspects of your data for more detailed analysis.

Due to Amazon API specifics, you may see the message “The requested report is currently being generated and may take up to 3 hours” when running the importer for the first time. You can re-run the importer after 3 hours to retrieve the report, or if it’s scheduled, it will automatically retry until the report is ready.

If you see this message in the preview, feel free to close the tab and return later, as the report generation is already in progress on the server side. You can also fully configure and schedule the importer, then run it manually to initiate report generation. With a scheduled importer, the system will automatically retry several times to retrieve the report data once it’s available.

4. Transform your data with

With's Preview and Transformation block, you can:

  • Preview your data for accuracy.
  • Manage columns by hiding, or rearranging key data.
  • Apply filters and sorting to focus on relevant information.
  • Add formula-based fields for enhanced metrics.
  • Combine datasets using data union and join features for a comprehensive analysis.

For a detailed guide on how to utilize these features, follow this link to our comprehensive tutorial.

5. Set up your data destination

Continue setting up the integration depending on the system you want to import data to. Select your tool from the list of supporteddata destinations and follow the relevant setup guide.

6. Update your data automatically on schedule

Turn on "Automatic data refresh" in the importer so your data remains up-to-date in the destination without requiring manual updates. 

You can schedule data imports at specific intervals (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly) and/or days, allowing you to have up-to-date information available for analysis, reporting, or decision-making. This automation enhances efficiency and ensures your reports or dashboards are always populated with the latest data.

For a detailed guide on how to utilize this feature, follow this link to our comprehensive tutorial.

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