Looker studio destination setup

It is possible to set up a connection between Looker Studio and Coupler.io using any of the products as starting point. Let's review the needed steps.

  1. Configure the Looker Studio destination in the Coupler.io importer
  2. Configure the Coupler.io connector in the Looker Studio
  3. How to get a Coupler.io importer ID?
  4. How to refresh the data in Looker Studio Report?

Configure the Looker Studio destination in the Coupler.io importer

If you are using Coupler.io and want to set up a Looker Studio destination here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Log in to Coupler.io and navigate to the importer list https://app.coupler.io/app/importers.
  2. Click the "+ Add new" button.
  3. Select a source application (e.g. Airtable).
  4. Select "Looker Studio" as the destination application.

  5. Click "Proceed".
  6. Set up your source fully (depending on the selected source).
  7. Proceed to Looker Studio destination settings.
  8. Click "Generate data source" button to navigate to Looker Studio: 

  9. For the first time you will need to authorize Looker Studio with your Google account:

  10. For the first time you will need to authorize Coupler.io with your Google account:

  11. Login to Coupler.io and authorize Coupler.io: 

  12. Check that the importer ID is visible and click the "Connect" button:

  13. Review fields, update their type if needed, and click "Create Report":

  14. Add data to report: 

  15. Setup needed dimensions and metrics, rename the report:

Configure the Coupler.io connector in the Looker Studio

If you are using Looker Studio actively and want to use source data prepared by Coupler.io here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Login to the Looker Studio: https://datastudio.google.com/?requirelogin=1
  2. Create a new Report (you also can edit one you already have, or start with a template)
  3. Click "Add data" 
  4. Search for "Coupler.io" in the list of connectors and select one found in the "Partner Connectors" section:
  5. For the first time you will need to authorize Looker Stduio with your Google account:
  6. For the first time you will need to authorize Coupler.io with your Google account:
  7. Login to Coupler.io and authorize Coupler.io: 
  8. Close tab: 
    Page will be refreshed: 
  9. Insert the Coupler.io importer Id (read how to get an importer id) and click the "Add" button:
  10. Confirm adding the data to the report: 
  11. Add fields fetched by Coupler.io to the Dimensions or Metrics to build the needed report:

How to get a Coupler.io importer ID?

  1. Log in to Coupler.io and navigate to the importer list https://app.coupler.io/app/importers.
  2. Click the "+ Add new" button.
  3. Select a source application (e.g. Airtable).
  4. Select "Looker Studio" as the destination application.

  5. Click "Proceed".
  6. Set up your source fully (depending on the selected source).
  7. Proceed to the destination settings, but do not perform any actions (as you already setting up it on the Looker Studio side).
  8. Copy the importer ID from the URL: 

  9. Save and Close the importer wizard:

How to refresh the data in Looker Studio Report?

It is possible to refresh data manually from the report view page or set up automatic updates.

Manual data refresh

  1. Run Coupler.io import manually.
  2. Open report view/edit page.
  3. Click the 3-dots icon and select the option "Refresh data":

Note: This refreshes the data for every data source added to the report.

Automatic data refresh

  1. Enable automatic data refresh on the Coupler.io side:

  2. Select the interval, days, and hours:

  3. Click "SAVE AND RUN".

Note: On the Looker Studio side by default, data will be refreshed every 12 hours.

Check these related articles as well:

How to use Date range control in Looker Studio with Coupler.io connector?

How to use Advanced settings in Looker Studio with Coupler.io connector?

Troubleshooting common Looker Studio destination errors

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