How to use Date range control in Looker Studio with connector?

Users can filter data using Date range control in Looker Studio with a connector. Make sure that you have in the source needed columns for filtering in 'Date' or 'Date range' ISO format (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm).

Note: Looker Studio charts that don't use the selected data range filter column as a dimension will be not filtered.

Configure connector to the Looker Studio:

  1. Configure connector to the Looker Studio. Learn how to set up Looker Studio destination.
  2. Configure 'Schedule' if needed
  3. Click the 'Save and run' button
  4. After the importer successfully finished click the 'Edit' button
  5. Click the 'Edit' button on the 'Destination'
  6. Click the 'Change' button on the 'Date range dimension'. 
  7. In the drop-down 'Date range dimension' choose the parameter by which filtering will be applied.
    Please note: only columns with DATE or DATETIME type will be available for selection.
  8. Click the 'Save and run' button:
  9. Go to 'Looker Studio' and click the 'Connect' button.
  10. Ensure that the parameter has 'Date' of 'Date Time' format. Click the 'Create report' button. 
  11. Add filtered parameter to dimension
  12. Open the drop-down 'Add control' and add 'Date range control'.
  13. Expand 'Date range control' and choose Date range, then click 'Apply'.
  14. Data should be filtered
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