Clockify data source

Learn how to set up a Clockify data source and then move this data to one of the supported by data destinations.

The 2 steps to complete the setup

  1. Set up your data source
  2. Set up your data destination

1. Set up your data source

1.1. Select an application: Clockify

1.2. Fill out the "Report" field

Select a report type to import: Summary, Weekly, or Detailed.

1.3. Fill out the "Workspace ID" field

Go to Clockify => Settings. You’ll find the ID of your active workspace in the page URL.


1.4. Fill out the "API key" field

Enter your personal API key.

Where to get the API key?
  • Go to Clockify => click on your profile picture in the top right corner => Profile settings. Find the API section at the bottom of the page and click Generate.

1.5. Fill out the "Start Date" field

This field supports macro. Learn more.

1.6. Fill out the "End Date" field

The default time for any date value is 00:00 (midnight). For example, if you need data for the whole of November 2021, specify 2021-11-01 as the start date and 2021-12-01 as the end date.

This field supports macro. Learn more.


If the start date is absent and the end date is absent for the Clockify importer, then we take data for last month. More precisely: a month ago (beginning of the day) until upcoming midnight today (end of the day). This is related to how Clockify returns data via API.

Usage examples of the start & end date setting:

  • if the start date is present and the end date is absent then we take the start date until (start date + 1 month);
  • if the start date is absent and the end date is present then we take a month ago (beginning of the day) until upcoming midnight today (end of the day); 
  • if the start date is present and the end date is present then we take the start date until the end date.

2. Set up your data destination

Continue setting up the integration depending on the system where you want to import data to. See full list of supported data destinations and follow set up guide for chosen one.

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