FAQ: How to filter out the specific columns to pull from an app?
Not all Coupler.io importers allow you to pick the columns you want to import from a data source. Instead, Coupler.io returns all data (all columns) it can from a specific data source.
Table of Contents
1. Pull the required columns to a new Google sheet
Once you've imported data from your data source, you can create a new Google Sheet and use basic Google Sheets formulas to pull the necessary columns there.
So, Coupler.io will update your destination sheet per the set schedule, and your worksheet will be kept up-to-date as well (since it will reference to the data destination sheet).
2. Use Filter, Vlookup or Array formulas
You can create an intermediary Google sheet, where you can use FILTER, VLOOKUP or ARRAYFORMULA Google Sheets formulas to select the required columns based on a condition.
2.1. A template using VLOOKUP and ARRAYFORMULA
Here is an example of how you can import data to two different sheets and then combine their information into a single one.
2.2. A template using Filter formula
Here is a template we created to show this logic using FILTER formulas.
Here is what we've done:
- Step 1. Imported data via Coupler.io to to Sandwiches (raw data).
- Step 2. Created a separate sheet called Sandwiches ordered.
- Step 3. Created a dropdown menu with column names. Go to Data ► Data validation ► List from range ► Select the first row from imported data
- Step 4. Choose needed columns from the dropdown menus.
- Step 5. Add FILTER() formulas to the cells in the second row to get data only for chosen columns.