Shopify Products changes after migration to GraphQL

Shopify deprecated REST version of their API and require from vendors to migrate to GraphQL API for products (source):

Public Apps

All public apps built on existing GraphQL product APIs or REST product APIs must migrate to the new GraphQL product APIs by Feb 1st, 2025.

Due to this requirement, we making next changes to your existing importers (data flows) based on version of Shopify you are using.

Shopify legacy sources: Shopify-v1 & Shopify-v2 

Shopify-v1 source:  this migration will not affect such importers (data flows).

How to know if my data flow uses Shopify-v1 legacy source?

You use Shopify-v1 legacy source if your Shopify importer (data flow) requires to specify API key /token /password in settings. I.e.:

Shopify-v2 source:  this migration will affect such importers (data flows). See details below.

How to know if my data flow uses Shopify-v2 legacy source?

You use Shopify-v2 legacy source if you see the following during data flow review and editing:

  1. Source is visible as Shopify (legacy) on Importer (data flow) view page:

  2. Source requires to connect and select Shopify Account during editing:

What will happen with data flows that use Shopify-v2 legacy source:

  • We will migrate your importers (data flows) with Products data entity to newest Shopify source version that uses GraphQL.

Visible changes for your importers:

  • Columns difference:
    • Due to the different outputs in different Shopify APIs, most of columns will have different names and some will be missed after this migration. Detailed list of changes.
  • Settings difference:
    • Shopify GraphQL source will not have filter by Collection Id, so all your products will be returned after migration.
    • Shopify GraphQL source has no Columns picker, so all columns available will be returned after migration.

Actions needed after migration:

  • To make the column names, order, and visibility the same as they were before the migration, please apply the changes to your source using the Columns management feature in our transformation step.
    • 🦸‍♀️ If you need assistance or prefer us to apply the necessary changes, please contact our support team ( We will do our best to ensure your transition is as smooth as possible.
  • If you need workaround to filter products by Collection Id, please contact our support team.

Shopify-v3 source

How to know if my data flow uses latest Shopify-v3 source?

You use Shopify-v3 source if you see next during data flow review and editing:

  1. Source is visible as Shopify on Importer (data flow) view page:

  2. Source requires to connect and select Shopify Account during editing:

What will happen with data flows that use Shopify-v3 source:

  • We will change API used to fetch Products from REST to GraphQL.

Visible changes for your importers:

  • Columns difference:
    • not all fields present in REST API are available in GraphQL API, so some fields in the output will be missed. Detailed list of changes.
  • Settings difference:
    • after migration to GraphQL - Shopify source will not have filter by Collection Id, so all your products will be returned after migration.

Actions needed after migration:

  • You will see a schema change notification on affected data flows on source summary screen or transformation step:
    • You can ignore the notification: your importer will continue using the previous schema, and you can apply the new schema later.
    • You also can get rid of the notification by selecting one of the options (!these actions are not revertable!):
      • To keep the current schema (useful for databases and append mode in destination): Click "Keep old one".
      • To apply the new schema: Click "Apply new". 
  • If you need workaround to filter products by Collection Id, please contact our support team.

✨ If you have any question to future update or need help after update it done - please write to our support team ( and we will do our best to assist in your question or request 🦸‍♀️ .

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