Data Aggregation has three transformation types available:
- Append
- Join
- Aggregation
Data AGGREGATION in terms means summarizing and revealing key insights of your data by performing operations like sum, average, count, min, or max on specific columns and consolidating the results in the destination file.
To learn more about JOIN data combining mode, please visit this article: Data Join
To learn more about APPEND data combining mode, please visit this article: Data Append
Feature description
Let's take this example to understand this feature further. We have this source table:
Goal: We want to get a list of "Groups" with summarized "Amount" per each group.
How to aggregate data?
1. After adding the needed sources, go to the "Transformations" step and either select Aggregate from the data preview window, or hit + Add transformation >> Aggregate data option from the left sidebar:
2. Select the source to apply aggregation:
3. Select Dimension(s):
4. Select Metric(s):
5. You can change formula to another from the list:
6. Click the "Aggregate data" button and we will get the following results:
7. After aggregating the data, you can apply other transformations such as: hide and reorder columns, filter and sort data, add a formula column, etc. to achieve the desired result:
8. You can also add more than one dimension as well as multiple metrics:
9. If no further transformations are needed, proceed to the Destinations setup.
10. Add all needed settings for the destination. Don't forget to select designed Aggregation as Data to share:
11. Add the schedule if needed.
12. Save and Run the importer to check the results of data aggregation
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