Google Business Profile: supported metrics and dimensions

Search keywords report
Group Name Description
Performance Number of searches The sum of the number of unique users that used the keyword in a month, aggregated for each month requested.
Threshold Represents the threshold below which the actual value falls.
Dimension Searched keyword The lower-cased string that the user entered.
Account Account name The name of the account. For an account of type PERSONAL, this is the first and last name of the user account.
Link The resource name, in the format accounts/{account_id}.
Primary owner The resource name of the account which will be the primary owner of the account being created. It should be of the form accounts/{account_id}.
Type Contains the type of account.
Role Specifies the AccountRole of this account.
Verification state Verification state of the account
Vetted state Indicates whether the account is vetted by Google. A vetted account is able to verify locations via the VETTED_PARTNER method.
Account number Account reference number if provisioned.
Permission level Specifies the permission level the user has for this account.
Organization info Additional info for an organization. This is populated only for an organization account.
Location Title Location name that reflects your business's real-world name
Link Google identifier for this location in the form: locations/{locationId}.
Language code The language of the location. Set during creation and not updateable.
Store code External identifier for this location, which must be unique within a given account. This is a means of associating the location with your own records.
Phone numbers Phone numbers that customers can use to get in touch with the business.
Categories Categories that describe the business.
Storefront address A precise, accurate address to describe your business location.
Website uri A URL for this business.
Regular hours Operating hours for the business.
Special hours Special hours for the business. This typically includes holiday hours, and other times outside of regular operating hours.
Service area Service area businesses provide their service at the customer's location. If this business is a service area business, this field describes the area(s) serviced by the business.
Labels A collection of free-form strings to allow you to tag your business. These labels are NOT user facing; only you can see them.
AdWords location extensions Additional information that is surfaced in AdWords.
Coordinates User-provided latitude and longitude. When creating a location, this field is ignored if the provided address geocodes successfully. This field is only returned on get requests if the user-provided latlng value was accepted during create, or the latlng value was updated through the Google Business Profile website.
Open info A flag that indicates whether the location is currently open for business.
Metadata Additional non-user-editable information.
Profile Describes your business in your own voice and shares with users the unique story of your business and offerings.
Relationship data All locations and chain related to this one.
More hours More hours for a business's different departments or specific customers.
Service items List of services supported by merchants. A service can be haircut, install water heater, etc. Duplicated service items will be removed automatically.

Daily metrics report
Group Name Description
Dimension Dimension: Date Date of the daily metric
Performance Business Impressions Desktop Maps Business impressions on Google Maps on Desktop devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression.
Business Impressions Desktop Search Business impressions on Google Search on Desktop devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression.
Business Impressions Mobile Maps Business impressions on Google Maps on Mobile devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression.
Business Impressions Mobile Search Business impressions on Google Search on Mobile devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression.
Business Conversations The number of message conversations received on the business profile.
Business Direction Requests The number of times a direction request was requested to the business location.
Call Clicks The number of times the business profile call button was clicked.
Website Clicks The number of times the business profile website was clicked.
Business Food Menu Clicks The number of clicks to view or interact with the menu content on the business profile. Multiple clicks by a unique user within a single day are counted as 1.
Conversions Business Food Orders The number of food orders received from the business profile.
Business Bookings The number of bookings made from the business profile via Reserve with Google.
Account Account name The name of the account. For an account of type PERSONAL, this is the first and last name of the user account.
Link The resource name, in the format accounts/{account_id}.
Primary owner The resource name of the account which will be the primary owner of the account being created. It should be of the form accounts/{account_id}.
Type Contains the type of account.
Role Specifies the AccountRole of this account.
Verification state Verification state of the account
Vetted state Indicates whether the account is vetted by Google. A vetted account is able to verify locations via the VETTED_PARTNER method.
Account number Account reference number if provisioned.
Permission level Specifies the permission level the user has for this account.
Organization info Additional info for an organization. This is populated only for an organization account.
Location Title Location name that reflects your business's real-world name
Link Google identifier for this location in the form: locations/{locationId}.
Language code The language of the location. Set during creation and not updateable.
Store code External identifier for this location, which must be unique within a given account. This is a means of associating the location with your own records.
Phone numbers Phone numbers that customers can use to get in touch with the business.
Categories Categories that describe the business.
Storefront address A precise, accurate address to describe your business location.
Website uri A URL for this business.
Regular hours Operating hours for the business.
Special hours Special hours for the business. This typically includes holiday hours, and other times outside of regular operating hours.
Service area Service area businesses provide their service at the customer's location. If this business is a service area business, this field describes the area(s) serviced by the business.
Labels A collection of free-form strings to allow you to tag your business. These labels are NOT user facing; only you can see them.
AdWords location extensions Additional information that is surfaced in AdWords.
Coordinates User-provided latitude and longitude. When creating a location, this field is ignored if the provided address geocodes successfully. This field is only returned on get requests if the user-provided latlng value was accepted during create, or the latlng value was updated through the Google Business Profile website.
Open info A flag that indicates whether the location is currently open for business.
Metadata Additional non-user-editable information.
Profile Describes your business in your own voice and shares with users the unique story of your business and offerings.
Relationship data All locations and chain related to this one.
More hours More hours for a business's different departments or specific customers.
Service items List of services supported by merchants. A service can be haircut, install water heater, etc. Duplicated service items will be removed automatically.
Reviews list report
Group Name Description
Review Review: Average rating The average star rating of all reviews for this location on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is the highest rating.
Review: Reviews count The total number of reviews for this location.
Review: Id The encrypted unique identifier of the review.
Review: Star rating The star rating of the review.
Review: Comment The body of the review as plain text with markups.
Review: Reviewer photo The profile photo link of the reviewer. Only populated if isAnonymous is false.
Review: Reviewer name The name of the reviewer. Only populated with the reviewer's real name if isAnonymous is false.
Review: Is reviewer anonymous Indicates whether the reviewer has opted to remain anonymous.
Review: Reply comment The body of the reply as plain text with markups.
Review: Reply updated at The timestamp for when the reply was last modified.
Review: Created at The timestamp for when the review was written.
Review: Updated at The timestamp for when the review was last modified.
Review: Link The resource name. For Review it is of the form accounts/{accountId}/locations/{locationId}/reviews/{reviewId}
Account Account name The name of the account. For an account of type PERSONAL, this is the first and last name of the user account.
Link The resource name, in the format accounts/{account_id}.
Primary owner The resource name of the account which will be the primary owner of the account being created. It should be of the form accounts/{account_id}.
Type Contains the type of account.
Role Specifies the AccountRole of this account.
Verification state Verification state of the account
Vetted state Indicates whether the account is vetted by Google. A vetted account is able to verify locations via the VETTED_PARTNER method.
Account number Account reference number if provisioned.
Permission level Specifies the permission level the user has for this account.
Organization info Additional info for an organization. This is populated only for an organization account.
Location Title Location name that reflects your business's real-world name
Link Google identifier for this location in the form: locations/{locationId}.
Language code The language of the location. Set during creation and not updateable.
Store code External identifier for this location, which must be unique within a given account. This is a means of associating the location with your own records.
Phone numbers Phone numbers that customers can use to get in touch with the business.
Categories Categories that describe the business.
Storefront address A precise, accurate address to describe your business location.
Website uri A URL for this business.
Regular hours Operating hours for the business.
Special hours Special hours for the business. This typically includes holiday hours, and other times outside of regular operating hours.
Service area Service area businesses provide their service at the customer's location. If this business is a service area business, this field describes the area(s) serviced by the business.
Labels A collection of free-form strings to allow you to tag your business. These labels are NOT user facing; only you can see them.
AdWords location extensions Additional information that is surfaced in AdWords.
Coordinates User-provided latitude and longitude. When creating a location, this field is ignored if the provided address geocodes successfully. This field is only returned on get requests if the user-provided latlng value was accepted during create, or the latlng value was updated through the Google Business Profile website.
Open info A flag that indicates whether the location is currently open for business.
Metadata Additional non-user-editable information.
Profile Describes your business in your own voice and shares with users the unique story of your business and offerings.
Relationship data All locations and chain related to this one.
More hours More hours for a business's different departments or specific customers.
Service items List of services supported by merchants. A service can be haircut, install water heater, etc. Duplicated service items will be removed automatically.
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