TikTok Organic: supported metrics & dimensions

Profile reports

Profile insights
Group Name Description
Account Account name Display name for the TikTok account.
Username Username of the TikTok account.
Is business account Whether the TikTok account is a TikTok Business Account.
Account image URL for the profile image of the TikTok account.
Report Date Report date.
Engagement Lifetime followers Total number of followers for the TikTok account as of the specified day.
Likes Total number of likes received across the TikTok account's videos.
Shares Total number of times the TikTok account's videos have been shared.
Profile views Total number of times the TikTok account's profile has been viewed.
Video views Total number of times the TikTok account's videos have been viewed. Counts when playback duration >0 and is the first playback in an impression session.
Comments Total number of comments received across the TikTok account's videos.
New followers Total number of followers for the TikTok account as of the specified day.
Profile audience genders
Group Name Description
Account Account name Display name for the TikTok account.
Username Username of the TikTok account.
Is business account Whether the TikTok account is a TikTok Business Account.
Account image URL for the profile image of the TikTok account.
Audience Gender Follower's gender.
Engagement Lifetime followers Total number of followers for the TikTok account as of the specified day.
% of followers Gender distribution of the TikTok account's all followers. Not available for accounts with less than 100 followers.
Profile audience countries
Group Name Description
Account Account name Display name for the TikTok account.
Username Username of the TikTok account.
Is business account Whether the TikTok account is a TikTok Business Account.
Account image URL for the profile image of the TikTok account.
Audience Country Follower's country.
Engagement Lifetime followers Total number of followers for the TikTok account as of the specified day.
% of followers Country distribution of the TikTok account's all followers. Not available for accounts with less than 100 followers.
Profile audience hourly activity
Group Name Description
Account Account name Display name for the TikTok account.
Username Username of the TikTok account.
Is business account Whether the TikTok account is a TikTok Business Account.
Account image URL for the profile image of the TikTok account.
Report Date Report date.
Audience Activity hour Follower's activity hour.
Engagement Lifetime followers Total number of followers for the TikTok account as of the specified day.
Followers online Number of followers online in each hour of the day. Available per day and not available for accounts with less than 100 followers.

Video reports

Video list top countries
Group Name Description
Video Video Id Unique identifier for the video.
Caption The caption/description for the video.
Thumbnail URL Preview thumbnail for the video.
% of viewers Country distribution of video viewers for the top 10 countries.
Embed URL An embeddable URL for the video.
Share URL A shareable URL for the video.
Created at Unix/epoch date-time when the video was posted.
Audience Country Country of video viewer.
Video list insights
Group Name Description
Video Video Id Unique identifier for the video.
Caption The caption/description for the video.
Duration Duration of the video, in seconds.
Embed URL An embeddable URL for the video.
Share URL A shareable URL for the video.
Created at Unix/epoch date-time when the video was posted.
Thumbnail URL Preview thumbnail for the video.
Views The total number of views the video has received. Counts when playback duration >0 and is the first playback in an impression session.
Average view time Average watch-time for the video across all views - in seconds.
Total view time Total watch-time for the video across all views - in seconds.
Views at 100% rate Percentage of viewers who viewed the whole video.
Views source Source of video view, which can be one of: For You, Follow, Hashtag, Sound, Personal Profile, or Search.
% of views from source % of video views from each source.
Performance Reach Total number of unique viewers who viewed the video.
Engagement Likes The total number of likes the video has received.
Shares The total number of times the video has been shared.
Comments The total number of comments the video has received.
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