How updates data in the destination? supports two approaches to scheduled data updating in the destination:

Update data each run

To use this approach - enable the "Update data each run" setting during the importer's setup:

Once you define a schedule for the importer with this setting, will update your data in the destination sheet each time when the importer is executed. If you set up an importer to run hourly, runs every hour, pulls your data, and saves it to the destination. Also, will update the "Last run" and "Last imported" dates, so you can track when your data was actually updated:

Update data only if source data was changed

In terms " the source was changed" means:

  • new data added
  • old data updated
  • data order is changed
  • etc.

The logic behind this is that calculates the hash of your data and compares it during runs. So even space adding to some secondary field you don't care about is counted as data change.

To use this approach - disable the "Update data each run" setting during the importer's setup:

Once you define a schedule for the importer with this setting, will update your data in the destination sheet only if it changed in the data source since the last time our tool had imported it. If you set up an importer to run hourly, runs every hour, pulls your data, and checks whether something has been changed or not.

If there is any change in data updates data in your destination and therefore updates the "Last run" and "Last imported" date and time. 

If your data updates only once per day (in your data source), will update it in your destination only once per day as well (even if you set up data refresh frequency to 1 hour). In this case, each time importer runs updates the last  run date and time, but the last imported date remains the same.


How data is updated when I run the importer manually?

When you run an importer manually, will rewrite data in your destination sheet because you asked it to do so (not because your data changed from the previous time had pulled it over to the destination).

How data is updated when the importer is triggered by webhook?

Once your importer is triggered by webhook - will update data in the destination without checking if the data is changed or no, so you can be sure that your automation flows are working with the newest data.

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