What is a 7-day free trial?

Once you sign up to Coupler.io, a free-forever plan is enabled for you by default.

Read about the Free Plan in our dedicated article.

  1. What features does a 7-day trial include?
  2. Should I add my credit card to use a 7-day trial?
  3. How to check how many days are left for my Free 7-day trial?
  4. What happens after the 7-day free trial?
  5. Can the free trial be prolonged?

What features does a 7-day trial include?

  • All features that the chosen plan has  
  • See our pricing page for a comparison of all the plans
  • Dedicated customer support is included in the free trial

Should I add my credit card to use a 7-day trial?

Yes, it is required to add a card to your account to start the 7-day free trial of a paid plan. 

How to check how many days are left for my 7-day free trial?

You can see the last day of your free trial in the top header of the Coupler.io web app: 

You will also receive an email notification 1 day before your free trial ends.

Note: your trial ends  on the last day  at the same time  when you registered the account, rather than  at midnight. I f you registered an account at 5 PM, your trial ends in 7 days at 5 PM).

What happens after the 7-day free trial?

After 7 days of the free trial, your added payment card will be automatically charged for the billing plan you have subscribed to.

If you wish to try a different plan during your 7-day trial - you can switch to the needed plan and use it for the remaining trial days. 

  • E.g. if you used a Starter plan for 3 days, then switched to the Squad Plan - you will have 4 remaining days to test the Squad Plan.

What happens if I cancel the trial?  

If you decide not to continue with a paid plan during your trial - you can cancel the trial.
Alternatively, you may delete the payment method from your account for the free trial’s automatic cancellation.

Note: the free trial can be used only once. If you cancel the free trial and decide to use a paid plan later, you will be billed for the plan immediately after subscribing to it. 

If you cancel the trial, your account will be switched back to the Free-forever plan. All your importers will be disabled, and all limits will be reverted to the free plan limits. The first importer you run after switching back to the Free plan,  will become your active integration for the next month, as per the one active integration per month limit of the Free plan. 

Can the free trial be prolonged?

No, the free trial can be used only once. 

Once you have applied for the free trial, it can be used only once. If you cancel the trial and decide to use a paid plan later, you will no longer have the free trial option. 

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