How to use advanced settings in Pinterest Ads? supports several filtering options in Pinterest Ads integration.

Additional filters for reports

Proceed with 3 easy steps to reduce data in your report:

  • Choose Filter Criteria: Select the criteria you want to filter by. In this case, you'll choose between "Spend in dollar" or "Total impressions".
  • Specify Condition: Once you've chosen your criteria, specify whether you want to filter for values "Less than" or "Greater than".
  • Define Value: Enter the specific value you want to filter by. For example, if in Campaign performance report you add filter with "Spend in dollar" and "Less than", you might enter "100" to filter for campaigns that have spent less than $100.
  • You can add multiple filters at the same time:

    Additional filters for core components

    For List of items (e.g. Campaigns) you may filter out entities with specific status, id, or objective type. For some entities it is possible to adjust format of returned data.

    Possible filters you may use:

    Key Applicable to Possible values Description Example
    entity_statuses List of Campaigns
    List of Ad Groups
    List of Ads
    Return entities with specified status. entity_statuses=ACTIVE
    translate_interests_to_names List of Ad Groups true
    Return interests as text names (if value is true) rather than topic IDs. translate_interests_to_names=true
    include_shared_accounts List of Ad Accounts true
    Include shared ad accounts. include_shared_accounts=true
    match_types List of Keywords BROAD
    Return keywords with specified match type. match_types=PHRASE

    You also may add several filters at the same time, they both will be applied:

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