Redshift data source

Learn how to set up a Redshift data source and then move its data to one of the data destinations supported by

2 steps to complete the setup

  1. Set up your data source
  2. Set up your data destination

1. Set up your data source

1.1 Select an application: Redshift

1.2. Define your Redshift server and credentials

  • Click "Connect".
  • Define your Redshift server and user credentials: 

Host - your host on which the Redshift server is running. The value can be a host name, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address.
Port - specify the port. The default port number is 5439.
Database - name of the database to connect to. 
User - user name of the Redshift account to use for connecting to the server. (Make sure user has needed permissions for the database and table you would like to export) 
>  Password - corresponding password of the Redshift account used for connecting to the server.

  • Click "Save.
Note: you’ll need to allowlist IP addresses if your organization only allows access from “selected networks”. Those IP addresses are:
  • 1.3. Setup Basic Settings

    • Two report types are available - Table/View and Custom SQL.  

    • Select "Table/View" for simple export of all fields. In the next fields specify Schema and enter Table / View name - table or view you want to export.

    • Select "Custom SQL" for creating custom SQL query.
      Only queries that fetch data are allowed. (e.g. UPDATE, INSERT are not supported)

    Note: Geography and Geometry data types are returned as strings by default, in case you need to see them in type-specific format - use Custom SQL with ST_AsText function.

    2. Set up your data destination

    Continue setting up the integration depending on the system you want to import data to. Select your tool from the list of supported data destinations and follow the relevant setup guide.

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