Uninstall Coupler.io app from your HubSpot Account

  • In your HubSpot account, click the Marketplace icon marketplace in the main navigation bar.
  • Under Manage, select Connected apps.
  • Click Actions on the Coupler.io app, then click Uninstall.
  • In the dialog box, type “uninstall” in the text field and click Uninstall. 

What happens after the Coupler.io app is removed from your HubSpot account?

First, all your HubSpot connections in Coupler.io will disconnect and cannot be used anymore for data fetching from your HubSpot account.

Importers that use these connections will fail during the run with the error "HubSpot account is no longer connected. To be able to run this importer, restore the connection."

However, your Coupler.io account and the data in it will be not removed: account, users, importers, and executions data will be still available in your Coupler.io account. Executions will be removed automatically 60 days after their creation, or you can write to our support team and we remove it earlier by your request.

Using this approach you can reinstall Coupler.io later and use all your old settings without the need to configure everything from scratch.

In case you want to delete your Coupler.io account with all its data fully - you can request account deletion on the Coupler.io Settings page. 

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