Adding formula-based custom columns
Adding calculable columns is especially helpful in cases where you need to have a certain column in your dataset that calculates a value based on existing data. It is also helpful if you have multiple sources of different formatting from each other. You could use calculable columns to create one universal column to make your data more unified.
- How to write a formula
- How to delete a formula
- Output Formats
- Formula Terminology
- Supported Operations and Functions
- Example Use Cases
How to write a formula
1. To add a formula column, you must click on the Formula button
2. Enter your desired column name, add the formula and the needed format:
3. Press Add Column button. Added columns will now reflect on the table:
How to delete a formula
Unlike the normal columns fetched from the source, added columns have an additional option to delete the column (other columns can only be hidden). To delete an added column, you must:
- Hover over the desired column to delete
Click the menu icon that will appear
Click the delete column button:
Output Formats
The formulas would return either a number, date, or text results. In the list below, we will describe which formats are available per each type:
Number Formats
- Integer
- Decimal - can specify precision
- Percent - can specify precision
- Currency - can specify precision and currency (Note: selecting a currency will not actually convert the value. It will just add the currency symbol before the value.)
Date Formats
- No formatting option for date formats. It will always return Date or Date Time in ISO 8601 format
Text Formats
- No formatting option for text formats.
Formula Terminology
Element | Definition | Example | |
{} | Used to define the column name in the formula. If you are copy-pasting a formula, you must always include the brackets. But, if you are typing your formula from scratch, you can opt to skip adding curly braces as they will be added automatically when you select the field name on the suggestions. A suggestion with the below symbol will be suggested as you type. This symbol indicates that it's a field/column: |
{Column1} |
() | Used to group terms together or specify the order of operations in a complex calculation. | ({Column1} + {Column2}) / {Column3} |
Operators | Symbols that are used to perform operations to produce a result | & |
Function | These are the predefined operations that take input values, perform specific tasks, and produce output values. When typing a function on the formula box, a suggestion with the below symbol will be suggested as you type. This symbol indicates that it's a function: |
length({Column7}) |
- You cannot use an added calculable column name in the formula. Formulas are only applicable to the original column names fetched from your sources.
- If the value cannot be converted properly (could be due to incorrect column type, or adding an argument where not accepted), the method will return NaN (Not a Number)
Supported Operations and Functions
Numerical Operators
In the below examples, assume the following values of the used columns:
Column Name | Value | Type |
Column1 | 10 | Number |
Column2 | 12 | Number |
Operators | Definition | Input Type | Example of Usage | Output Example |
+ | Performs the addition of two or more numbers | Number | {Column1}+{Colum2} {Column1}+3 |
22 13 |
- | Performs the subtraction of two or more numbers | Number | {Column1}-{Column2} {Column1}-10 |
-2 0 |
* | Performs the multiplication of two or more numbers | Number | {Column1}*{Column2} {Column1}*0.10 |
120 1 |
/ | Performs the division of two or more numbers | Number | {Column1}/{Column2} {Column1}/5 |
0.83 2 |
^ | Used to represent the exponentiation operator, which raises a number to a power. | Number | {Column1}^{Column2} {Column1}^2 |
1,000,000,000,000 100 |
Numerical Functions
In the below examples, assume the following values of the used columns:
Column Name | Value | Type |
Column1 | 100 | Number |
Column2 | -200 | Number |
Column3 | -300 | String (number as a string) |
Column4 | 321.1234567 | Number |
Functions | Definition | Input Type | Example of Usage | Output Example |
mod({arg},denominator) | Returns the result of the modulo operator, the remainder after a division operation. | Number | mod({Column1}, 3) |
1 |
abs({arg}) | Returns the absolute value of the number (e.g. if the column has a negative value (-100) it will return an absolute number (100), also it returns an absolute number if a string contains numbers. | Number, String | abs({Column2}) abs({Column3}) |
200 300 |
max({arg1},{arg2},...) | Returns the maximum value of a set of numerical values. | Number | max({Column1}, {Column2}) max({Column2}, {Column3}) |
100 -200 |
min({arg1},{arg2},...) | Returns the minimum value in a numeric dataset. | Number, String |
min({Column1}, {Column2}) min({Column2}, {Column3}) |
-200 -300 |
round({arg},{precision}) | Rounds a number to a specified number of digits. The second optional argument is the number indicating up to how many decimal places N will be rounded. | Number | round({Column4}) round({Column4}, 4) |
321 321.1235 |
ceil({arg}) | Rounds the given numerical value up to the nearest integer (the integer that is greater than or equal to the given value). | Number | ceil({Column4}) ceil({Column2}) |
322 -200 |
floor({arg}) | Rounds a number down to the nearest integer multiple of the specified significance factor. | Number | floor({Column4}) floor({Column2}) |
321 -200 |
log10({arg}) | Returns the base-10 logarithm of the given numerical value. | Number | log10({Column1}) log10({Column4}) |
2 2.506672030086284 |
log2({arg}) | Returns the natural logarithm of a number to base-2. | Number | log2({Column1}) log2({Column4}) |
6.643856189774724 8.326984241411967 |
ln({arg}) | Returns the natural logarithm of a given number. | Number | ln({Column1}) ln({Column4}) |
4.605170185988092 5.7718256495018005 |
exp({arg}) | Returns the value of the mathematical constant 'e' (also known as Euler's number) raised to the power of a given number. | Number | exp({Column1}) exp({Column4}) |
2.6881171418161356e+43 2.8983127978145803e+139 |
sqrt({arg}) | Returns the square root of that argument. | Number | sqrt({Column1}) sqrt({Column4}) |
10 17.91991787648593 |
radians({arg}) | Converts an angle value in degrees to radians. | Number | radians({Column1}) radians({Column2}) |
1.7453292519943295 -3.490658503988659 |
degrees({arg}) | Converts an angle in radians to degrees. | Number | degrees({Column1}) degrees({Column2}) |
5729.5779513082325 -11459.155902616465 |
sin({arg}) | Returns the sine of an angle provided in radians. | Number | sin({Column1}) sin({Column2}) |
-0.5063656411097588 0.8732972972139946 |
cos({arg}) | Returns the cosine of an angle provided in radians. | Number | cos({Column1}) cos({Column2}) |
0.8623188722876839 0.4871876750070059 |
tan({arg}) | Returns the tangent of an angle provided in radians. | Number | tan({Column1}) tan({Column2}) |
-0.5872139151569291 1.7925274837903817 |
trunc({arg}) | Returns the integer part of a number by removing any fractional digits. | Number | trunc({Column1}) trunc({Column4}) |
100 321 |
sign({arg}) | Returns the sign of that argument as an integer. If the argument is positive, the function returns 1. If the argument is negative, the function returns -1. | Number | sign({Column1}) sign({Column3}) |
1 -1 |
pi() | Returns the number pi. | -- | pi()*{Column1} | 314.1592653589793 |
rand() | Returns a random number between 0 inclusive and 1 exclusive. | -- | rand() rand() |
0.6958763053113555 0.9512031618840773 |
Logical Operators
In the below examples, assume the following values of the used columns:
Column Name | Value | Type |
Column1 | 100 | Number |
Column2 | 100 | Number |
Column3 | test | String |
Column4 | test | String |
Column5 | 200 | Number |
Operators | Definition | Input Type | Example of Usage | Output Example |
== | Equality. Returns 1 if true and 0 if false. | any | if({Column1}=={Column2}, "correct", "incorrect") {Column3}=={Column4} |
correct 1 |
!= | Inequality. Returns 1 if true and 0 if false. | any | if({Column1}!={Column2}, "correct", "incorrect") {Column3}!={Column4} |
incorrect 0 |
< | Less than. Returns 1 if true and 0 if false. | any | if({Column1}<{Column2}, "correct", "incorrect") {Column1}<{Column5} |
incorrect 1 |
<= | Less than or equal. Returns 1 if true and 0 if false. | any | if({Column1}<={Column2}, "correct", "incorrect") {Column1}<={Column5} |
correct 1 |
> | Greater than. Returns 1 if true and 0 if false. | any | if({Column1}>{Column2}, "correct", "incorrect") {Column1}>{Column5} |
incorrect 0 |
>= | Greater than or equal. Returns 1 if true and 0 if false. | any | if({Column1}>={Column2}, "correct", "incorrect") {Column1}>={Column5} |
correct 0 |
! | A logical operator not (!) is a unary operator that takes a single Boolean value as its operand and returns the opposite Boolean value. Returns 1 if true and 0 if false. | Boolean | !{{Column1}>{Column5}} !({Column1}<{Column5}) |
1 0 |
Logical Functions
In the below examples, assume the following values of the used columns:
Column Name | Value | Type |
Column1 | 100 | Number |
Column2 | 100 | Number |
Column3 | test | String |
Column4 | test | String |
Column5 | NULL | - |
Functions | Definition | Input Type | Example of Usage | Output Example |
if({arg1},{ifTrue},{ifFalse}) | Evaluates the expression. If the condition is TRUE, it produces a specified result, otherwise produces the evaluation for an else result. | any | if({Column1}<={Column2}, "incorrect", "correct") if({Column3}=={Column4}, "correct", "incorrect") |
correct correct |
and({arg1},{arg2},...) | Logical AND. Returns 1 if all the arguments are true, returns 0 otherwise. | any | and({Column1}>0, {Column2}>0) and({Column1}={Column2}, {Column3}={Column4}) |
0 1 |
or({arg1},{arg2},...) | Logical OR. Returns 1 if any one of the arguments is true. | any | or({Column1}>0, {Column2}>0) or({Column1}={Column2}, {Column3}={Column4}) |
1 1 |
not({arg}) | Logical NOT. Reverses the logical value of its argument. | any | not({Column1} == {Column2}) not(and({Column1}>0, {Column2}>0)) |
0 1 |
coalesce({arg1},{arg2},...) | Returns the first non-NULL value from a series of arguments. | any | coalesce(null(), {Column5}, {Column4}) coalesce(null(), null(), {Column1}) |
test 100 |
ifnull({arg},value) | Specifies a value other than a null that is returned when a null is encountered. | any | ifnull({Column5}, "new_value") ifnull({Column5}, {Column1}) |
new_value 100 |
nullif({arg1},{arg2}) | Compares two expressions and returns NULL if they are equal. Otherwise, the first expression is returned. | any | nullif({Column1}, {Column2}) nullif({Column3}, {Column2}) |
NULL test |
String Operators and Functions
In the below examples, assume the following values of the used columns:
Column Name | Value | Type |
Column1 | Product_A | String |
Column2 | Warehouse_1 | String |
Column3 | _Product_A_ | String |
Column4 | Hello World | String |
Column5 | {"key1":"value1", "key2":value2, "key3":value3} | String |
Column6 | {"key1": {"key2": {"key3": "value"}}} | String |
Operators/Functions | Definition | Input Type | Example of Usage | Output Example |
& | Ampersand (&) operator is used to combine two or more values to yield a single text value. | any | "[test] "&{Column1} {Column2}&-&{Column1} |
[test] Product_A Warehouse_1-Product_A |
concat({arg1},{arg2},...) | Returns the concatenation of two values. Equivalent to the & operator, but limited to 42 arguments only. | any | concat("[test] ",{Column1}) concat("{Column2}","-",{Column1}) |
[test] Product_A Warehouse_1-Product_A |
replace({arg},pattern,replacement) | Takes three arguments: value, pattern, and replacement. It returns a string where all occurrences of pattern in value have been replaced by replacement. | any | replace({Column1},"_","+") replace({Column2},"_"," ") |
Product+A Warehouse 1 |
substring({arg},indStart,charlength) | Extracts characters, between two indices (positions), from a string, and returns the substring. indStart refers to the "start at position" and "charlength" refers to how many characters are to be extracted. | Number, String, Date, Date Time | substring({Column1},length({Column1}),1) substring({Column2},length({Column2}),1) |
A 1 |
find({arg},textToFind) | Returns the position at which a string is first found within the text. | Number, String, Date, Date Time | find({Column1}, "_") find({Column2}, "_") |
8 10 |
length({arg}) | Returns the length of a string. | Number, String, Date, Date Time | length({Column1}) length({Column2}) |
9 11 |
trim({arg}, textToRemove) | Removes all spaces before and after the string (except for single spaces between words). Supports second argument - determines which character will be removed from the source string. It is an optional argument. | Number, String, Date, Date Time | trim({Column3},"_") trim({Column2}) |
Product_A Warehouse_1 |
upper({arg}) | Converts text to all capital letters (UPPERCASE). | String | upper({Column1}) upper({Column2}) |
lower({arg}) | Converts text to all lowercase letters (lowercase). | String | lower({Column1}) lower({Column2}) |
product_a warehouse_1 |
left({arg}, howMany) | Extract characters from the beginning of the string. | String | left({Column1}, 4) left({Column2}, 4) |
Prod Ware |
right({arg}, howMany) | Extract characters from the end of the string. | String | right({Column1}, 6) right({Column2}, 6) |
duct_A ouse_1 |
regex_match({arg}, {regex}) | Returns whether the input text matches a regular expression. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false. | String | regex_match({Column4}, "Hello.World") regex_match({Column1}, "Hello.World") |
1 0 |
regex_extract({arg}, {regex}) | Returns the first substring that matches a regular expression. | String | regex_extract({Column4},"W.*") regex_extract({Column2},"W.*") |
World Warehouse_1 |
regex_replace({arg}, {regex}, {replacement}) | Substitutes all matching substrings with a replacement string value. | String | regex_replace({Column4}, " W.*", "") regex_replace({Column2}, " W.*", "") |
Hello test test |
json_extract({arg}, json_path) | Extracts the value of the specified JSON key | String | json_extract({Column5}, "key1") json_extract({Column6}, "key1.key2.key3") |
value1 value |
json_valid({arg}) | Identifies if the given argument is a valid JSON. It returns 1 if the JSON in the specified column is valid and 0 if false. | String | json_valid({Column1}) json_valid({Column5}) |
0 1 |
Date and Time Functions
In the below examples, assume the following values of the used columns:
Column Name | Value | Type |
Column1 | 2024-06-24T11:18:08.244Z | DateTime |
Column2 | 2023-05-20T10:17:09.753Z | DateTime |
Functions | Definition | Input Type | Example of Usage | Output Example |
now() | Returns the current date and time. Note: updates each time when user makes any actions with the columns: e.g. edit, resize, etc. | -- | now() | 2024-06-24T11:18:08.244Z |
today() | Returns the current date. | -- | today() | 2024-06-24 |
second({arg}) | Returns the second of a datetime as an integer between 0 and 59. | Date Time in ISO 8601 format | second({Column1}) second("2023-05-20T10:17:09.753Z") | 8 9 |
minute({arg}) | Returns the minute of a datetime as an integer between 0 and 59. | Date Time in ISO 8601 format | minute({Column1}) minute("2023-05-20T10:17:09.753Z") |
18 17 |
hour({arg}) | Returns the hour of a datetime as a number between 0 (12:00am) and 23 (11:00pm). | Date Time in ISO 8601 format | hour({Column1}) hour("2023-05-31T23:17:35.767Z") |
11 23 |
day({arg}) | Returns the day of the month of a datetime in the form of a number between 1-31. | Date Time in ISO 8601 format | day({Column1}) day("2023-05-20T10:17:09.753Z") |
24 20 |
month({arg}) | Returns the month of a datetime as a number between 1 (January) and 12 (December). | Date Time in ISO 8601 format | month({Column1}) month("2023-05-20T10:17:09.753Z") |
6 5 |
year({arg}) | Returns the four-digit year of a datetime. | Date Time ISO 8601 format | year({Column1}) year("2021-06-09") |
2024 2021 |
weekday({arg}) | Returns the day of the week as an integer between 0 (Sunday) and 6 (Saturday), inclusive. | Date Time in ISO 8601 format | weekday({Column1}) weekday("2023-05-31T10:59:45.457Z") |
1 3 |
iso_weekday({arg}) | Returns the day of the week as an integer between 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday), inclusive. | Date Time in ISO 8601 format | iso_weekday({Column1}) iso_weekday("2023-05-31") |
1 3 |
weeknum({arg}) | Returns the week number in a year. | Date Time in ISO 8601 format | weeknum({Column1}) weeknum("02/17/2013") |
26 7 |
iso_weeknum({arg}) | Returns the ISO week number in a year. | Date Time in ISO 8601 format | iso_weeknum({Column1}) iso_weeknum("02/17/2013") |
26 7 |
datetime_format ({arg},'specified output format') See all supported output formats in the dedicated article. |
Formats a datetime into a specified string. | Date Time in ISO 8601 format | datetime_format({Column1}, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:ss') datetime_format({Column1}, 'YYYY') See all supported output formats in the dedicated article. |
2024-06-24 11:06:08 2024 |
datetime_add({arg},#,'units') | Adds or substracts specified 'count' units to a datetime. | Date Time in ISO 8601 format | datetime_add({Column1}, 5, "days") datetime_add({Column1}, -7, "hours") |
2024-06-29T11:18:08.244Z2024-06-24T04:18:08.244Z |
datetime_diff({arg1},{arg2},'units') | Returns the difference between datetimes in specified units. | Date Time in ISO 8601 format | datetime_diff({Column1}, {Column2}, "months") datetime_diff("2023-05-20T10:17:13.753Z","2023-05-20T10:17:09.753Z","seconds") |
13 4 |
datetime_parse({arg},'input format') | Interprets a text string as a structured date and time, with optional input format and locale parameters. | String | datetime_parse("4 Mar 2017 23:00", 'D MMM YYYY HH:mm') datetime_parse("24 Jun 2024 11:18", 'D MMM YYYY HH:mm') |
2017-03-04T23:00:00.000Z 2024-06-24T11:18:00.000Z |
date_parse({arg},'input format') | Interprets a text string as a structured date, with optional input format and locale parameters. | String | date_parse("4 Mar 2017", 'D MMM YYYY') date_parse("24 Jun 2024", 'D MMM YYYY') |
2017-03-04 2024-06-24 |
is_after({arg1},{arg2}) | Determines if date1 is later than date2. Returns 1 if yes, 0 if no. | Date Time ISO 8601 | is_after({Column1}, {Coulmn2}) is_after("1/1/1979", "1/1/2000") |
1 0 |
is_before({arg1},{arg2}) | Determines if date1 is earlier than date2. Returns 1 if yes, 0 if no. | Date Time ISO 8601 | is_before({Column1}, {Coulmn2}) is_before("1/1/1979", "1/1/2000") |
0 1 |
is_same({arg1},{arg2}) | Compares two dates up to a unit and determines whether they are identical. Returns 1 if yes, 0 if no. | Date Time ISO 8601 | is_same({Column1}, {Coulmn2}) is_same("1/1/1979", "1/1/1979") |
0 1 |
start_of_time({arg},unit) | Returns start of date period according to the unit value | Date Time ISO 8601 | start_of_time({Column1}, "month") start_of_time("2023-07-18", "month") |
2024-06-01T00:00:00.000Z 2023-07-01T00:00:00.000Z |
end_of_time({arg},unit) | Returns end of date period according to the unit value | Date Time ISO 8601 | end_of_time({Column1}, "month") end_of_time("2023-07-18", "day") |
2024-06-30T23:59:59.999Z 2023-07-18T23:59:59.999Z |
Data Type Functions
In the below examples, assume the following values of the used columns:
Column Name | Value | Type |
Column1 | 12345.67 | String (number as a string) |
Column2 | 4567 | Number |
Functions | Definition | Input Type | Example of Usage | Output Example |
number() | A function that casts the value to a number. | any | number({Column1}) | 12345.67 |
string() | A function that casts the value to a string. | any | string({Column2}) | 4567 |
null() | Returns `null`. | -- | null() |
Example Use Cases
Addition. You are selling multiple products and wanted to see how much your Total Sales are.
Subtraction. You wanted to do a financial analysis on your sales:
Date Time Formatting. You wanted to save your date time values to BigQuery but your date time format is not supported by BigQuery (e.g. 1/28/2024 12:01:31)