Fluro.io data source

Here is basic instruction on how you can setup JSON importer to get needed data:

Step 1. Get the access token

Generate access token by one of the allowed ways: https://developers.fluro.io/#authentication.

Step 2. Setup Coupler.io JSON importer

  • JSON URL: https://api.fluro.io/content/:type/filter
    • :type - The type or definition name of the content you are trying to retrieve. For example: checkin, assignment, contact, post
  • Method: POST
  • JSON Body (example): 
  • allDefinitions: True
    includeArchived: True 
    startDate: YYYY-MM-DD 
    endDate: YYYY-MM-DD 
    select: //include fields specific for the :type
    - _id
    - title 
    - contact
  • Request headers
    • Authorization: Bearer <<application_token>>
    • Content-Type: application/json

You can review detailed parameters here: https://developers.fluro.io/#filter-content.

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