TimeTonic data source

Learn how to set up a TimeTonic data source and move your data into one of the data destinations supported by Coupler.io. 

Two steps to complete the setup

  1. Set up your data source
  2. Set up your data destination

1. Set up your data source

1.1. Select an application: TimeTonic

1.2. Connect your TimeTonic account

  • Click "Connect".
  • Enter your TimeTonic User ID.
    To find your User ID - go to Account Information and copy the User ID:
  • Enter your API Key (SessKey).

    To generate an API Key -> go to the Account settings and click "Add new API key":  Enter your password, and click "Add a new key": 

    By default, the API key comes with all available permissions as can be seen above. However, to import data with Coupler.io, ‘write’ permission is not required.

    Copy the generated API Key:

  • Click "Save".

1.3. Set up the basic settings

1.3.1. Workspace - select one of the workspaces created in your account:

1.3.2. Table - select one of the tables from that workspace:

1.3.3. View - select the view of that table that you want to export:

2. Set up your data destination

Continue setting up the integration depending on the application you want to import the data to. Select your tool from the list of supported data destinations and follow the relevant setup guide.

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