Troubleshooting: 409 error

In this article, we collected known cases when the importer is finished with 409 error as well as general recommendations on how to avoid this error.

Excel destination

409 error is returned by Excel when writing operations conflict. This error is returned for resource updates, or during indexing when two processes try to update the same document simultaneously. [Microsoft Documentation.]
Possible reasons why Excel responds with 409 error:
  • several importers writing to the same file simultaneously
  • one importer is started several times before it finishes the previous run
  • destination file is busy with other actions (editing by another user, reading/writing by another application, etc.)
Recommendations on how to avoid 409 error:
  • please check that you don't have a few importers that save data to the same destination file simultaneously
  • please check that the destination file is not used for reading operation at the same time when the importer is running to save data
  • please check that someone does not edit the file manually at the same time when the importer is running to save data
In case you received 409 errors due to cases that were not described above, please write to our support team.
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