Dropbox data source

Learn how to set up a Dropbox data source and then move files data to one of the data destinations supported by Coupler.io.

2 steps to complete the setup

  1. Set up your data source
  2. Set up your data destination

1. Set up your data source

1.1. Select the apps to connect: Dropbox as a source and one of the available data destinations 

1.2. Connect your Dropbox account: 

  • Click Connect.
  • Sign in to your Dropbox account. 
  • Click Allow to provide needed consents.

1.3. Select source file and specify sheet(s)

  • Select an existing .xlsx, .xlsm, or .csv file on Dropbox from which to extract data.

  • If you are extracting data from .xlsx or .xlsm files, select a sheet or multiple sheets with the data. In case of multiple sheets are selected, the data from them will be merged into one master view. 

Note: You can select files from your Dropbox account or a shared Dropbox folder added to your account.

To select a file from another Dropbox account, the file must be shared the following way:

  • On Dropbox Account_A, create a folder and place the Excel or CSV file to be shared to this folder.
  • Share the folder with Dropbox Account_B that you connected to Coupler.io.
  • Go to shared files in Account_B through Dropbox UI
  • Click Add to Dropbox to accept adding a shared folder to your Dropbox.
  • After this, the shared folder will be available in the file picker:

1.4. Specify range (optional)

  • Select a range in the file you want to export data from, i.e. A1:Z9.

2. Set up your data destination

Continue setting up the integration depending on the tool you want to import data to. Select your tool from the list of supported data destinations and follow the relevant setup guide.

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