Harvest Reports parameters

If you need to filter or adjust the representation of your Harvest report importer you might use additional parameters.

Parameters by report

Expense report

Required parameters

  • Report type - a type of data aggregation from the predefined list:
  • Type Explanation
    Categories expenses With this type selected Harvest will return expenses report aggregated by category of expense.
    Clients expenses With this type selected Harvest will return expenses report aggregated by the client.
    Projects expenses With this type selected Harvest will return expenses report aggregated by the project.
    Teams expenses With this type selected Harvest will return expenses report aggregated by the team member.
  • From - a date in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Only report on expenses with a spent_date on or after the given date.
  • To - a date in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Only report on expenses with a spent_date on or before the given date.

Optional parameters

  • none

Time report

Required parameters

  • Report type - a type of data aggregation from the predefined list:
  • Type Explanation
    Clients time report With this type selected Harvest will return the time report aggregated by the client.
    Projects time report With this type selected Harvest will return the time report aggregated by the project.
    Tasks time report With this type selected Harvest will return the time report aggregated by the task.
    Team time report With this type selected Harvest will return the time report aggregated by the team member.
  • From - a date in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Only report on time entries with a spent_date on or after the given date.
  • To - a date in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Only report on time entries with a spent_date on or before the given date.

Optional parameters

  • none

Uninvoiced report

Required parameters

  • From - a date in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Only report on time entries with a spent_date on or after the given date.
  • To - a date in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Only report on time entries with a spent_date on or before the given date.

Optional parameters

  • none

Project budget report

Required parameters

  • none

Optional parameters

  • Project status - variant from the predefined list:
  • Variant Explanation
    All Report for all projects will be returned.
    Active Report for only active projects will be returned.
    Inactive Report for only archived  projects will be returned.
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