What information about your Google Account Coupler.io requires?

In order to automatically pull data from the documents stored on Google Drive, Coupler.io needs access to some resources of your Google Account and allowance to perform some action on behalf of your account. The same is true for pushing data to Google Spreadsheets. 

Coupler.io needs these permissions because of Google policies which oblige to notify you about all accesses Coupler.io receives. Based on the type of your Google Account (private or corporate) you are able to manage different types of permissions.

General permissions 

Coupler.io requires the following permissions to pull data from Google Drive: 

See, edit, create and delete only the specific Google Drive files you use with this app
  • See these files
  • Upload and download these files
  • Delete these files 
  • See the names and emails of people you share these files with
  • Share and stop sharing these files with others
  • Organize these files
See all your Google Spreadsheets
  • See and download your spreadsheets (including setting and metadata)

Coupler.io requires the following permissions to push data to the Google Spreadsheets: 

  • Associate you with your personal info on Google
  • See your primary Google Account email address
  • See, edit, create and delete only the specific Google Drive files you use with this app
  • See, edit, create and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets. 
Please, note that access to the Google Sheets spreadsheets is required for backward compatibility with old importers.
Old importers use link to the file instead of file chosen by file picker and we do not remove this access, because also going to introduce this possibility in the future.

All these permissions are required for the proper functioning of Coupler.io.

Google Spreadsheets Add-on

In addition to general permissions which are required to work with your Google Drive documents, Coupler.io requires additional permission if you would like to install and use Coupler.io Add-On for Google Sheets. This is also a part of the Google policy and appears because of installing Coupler.Io add-on.

See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets
  • See and edit your spreadsheets (including settings and metadata)
  • Create new spreadsheets
  • Upload and download your spreadsheets
  • Organize and delete your spreadsheets
  • See the names and emails of people you share your spreadsheets with
  • Share and stop sharing your spreadsheets with others
  • This app will be able to do the same things that you can do. Changes made by this application will be attributed to you.
  • There may be sensitive information in your spreadsheets, like financial records or personal lists
Connect to an external service
  • Create a network connection to any external service (e.g., to read or write data)
Allow this application to run when you are not present
  • Display third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications
  • Run third-party code in your browser
  • Receive data you input

More info about data processing terms can be found in the Privacy Policy document. 

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