JSON troubleshooting: how to fix the 404 error?

How to check what error I got?

To see the details of an error you received, click "View more" on the error notification after the importer was executed:

How to fix the error I got?

404 - Not Found error

The HTTP 404 Not Found client error response code indicates that the server can't find the requested resource.

The most common reasons for the 404 error are:

  • extra space or extra symbol at the end of the URL
  • Execution error:

    To fix this issue, remove the extra space or extra symbols at the end of the URL.

  • the requested entity was removed or doesn't exist

    Execution error:

    To fix the issue, use the ID of the existing asset.

If you faced error and cannot fix it after reading this article, feel free to contact our support at contact@coupler.io.
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