JSON troubleshooting: how to fix 401 error?

How to check what error I got?

To see the details of an error you received, click "View more" on the error notification after the importer was executed:

How to fix the error I got?

401 - Unauthorized

The HTTP 401 Unauthorized client error status response code indicates that the request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource.

This error occurs when you did not specify the API token in the request or specified it in the wrong format.

Coupler.io supports a few authentication approaches:

  • in the URL

    Format:  https://username:password@www.example.com/your-file.csv


  • in the query parameters 

    Format:  username: {insert-your-username} password: {insert-your-password}


  • in the headers (Basic, OAuth2)

    Authorization: Basic {base64-encoded-string}  
    Authorization: Bearer {access-token}


Real error examples with explanations

Example 1:

In this case, the response will be the following:

This issue occurs because we haven't used the hapikey authentication parameter which is required.

Example 2:

In this case, the response will be the following:

The current issue occurs because we have used an invalid API key in the required hapikey authentication parameter. Go to the HubSpott account and generate a valid access key.

If you faced error and cannot fix it after reading using this article, feel free to contact our support at contact@coupler.io.
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