QuickBooks Reports parameters
If you need to filter, sort, or adjust the representation of your QuickBooks report dataflow, you may use the following additional parameters.
Query parameters by report
- Account List Detailed
- AP Aging Detail
- AP Aging Summary
- AR Aging Detail
- AR Aging Summary
- Balance Sheet
- Cash Flow
- Customer Balance
- Customer Balance Detail
- Customer Income
- Expenses by Vendor
- General Ledger Detail
- Inventory Valuation Summary
- Journal Report
- Profit And Loss Summary
- Profit And Loss Detail
- Sales by Class Summary
- Sales by Customer
- Sales by Department
- Sales by Product
- Tax Summary
- Transaction List
- Trial Balance
- Vendor Balance
- Vendor Balance Detail
Account List Detailed
Query attribute | String |
account_type | Account type from which transactions are included in the report. Supported Values: AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, Bank, CostOfGoodsSold, CreditCard, Equity, Expense, FixedAsset, Income, LongTermLiability, NonPosting, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, OtherCurrentLiability, OtherExpense, OtherIncome Example: account_type: AccountsPayable |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. |
start_moddate | If not specified value of moddate_macro is used. Specify an explicit account modification report date range, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use the moddate_macro to cover a standard report date range. |
end_moddate | If not specified value of moddate_macro is used. Specify an explicit account modification report date range, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use the moddate_macro to cover a standard report date range. |
moddate_macro | Predefined report account modification date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range when accounts were modified; otherwise, use the start_moddate and end_moddate to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
columns | Column types to be shown in the report. Supported Values: account_name * (Account), account_type * (Type), detail_acc_type * (Detail Type), create_date (Create Date), create_by (Created By), last_mod_date (Last Modified), last_mod_by (Last Modified By), account_desc * (Description), account_bal * (Balance) Note: Default columns included in the report are denoted with *. Example: columns: account_name,detail_acc_type,create_date,last_mod_date,account_desc,account_bal |
sort_by | The column type used in sorting report rows. Specify a column type as defined with the columns query parameter. |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
account_status | The account status. Supported values include: Deleted, Not_Deleted Example: account_status: Deleted |
createdate_macro | Predefined report account create date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard create report date range; otherwise, use start_createdate and end_createdate to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
AP Aging Detail
Query attribute | String |
shipvia | Filter by the shipping method as stored in Invoice.ShipMethodRef.Name. Supported Values: Any shipping method as sent in the Invoice.ShipMethodRef.Name attribute at Invoice create- or update-time. |
term | Filters report contents based on term or terms supplied. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated term IDs as returned in the attribute, Term.Id of the Term object response code. Example: term: 10000000045,100000000067 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
end_duedate | The range of dates over which receivables are due, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If not specified, all data is returned. |
start_duedate | The range of dates over which receivables are due, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_duedate must be less than end_duedate. If not specified, all data is returned. |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values:Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Cash |
custom1 | Filter by the specified custom field as defined by the CustomField attribute in transaction entities where supported. Supported Values: Name of the custom field. |
custom2 | Filter by the specified custom field as defined by the CustomField attribute in transaction entities where supported. Supported Values: Name of the custom field. |
custom3 | Filter by the specified custom field as defined by the CustomField attribute in transaction entities where supported. Supported Values: Name of the custom field. |
report_date | Start date to use for the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
num_periods | The number of periods to be shown in the report. Supported Values: A numeric value. Example: num_periods: 3 |
vendor | Filters report contents to include information for specified vendors. Supported Values: One or more comma separated vendor IDs as returned in the attribute, Vendor.Id, of the Vendor object response code. Example: vendor: 1000000000000045,10000000000067 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
past_due | Filters report contents based on minimum days past due. Supported Values: Integer number of days. no filtering |
aging_period | The number of days in the aging period. Supported Values: A numeric value. Example: aging_period: 60 |
columns | Column types to be shown in the report. Supported Values: create_by (Created By), create_date (Create Date), doc_num * (No.), due_date * (Due Date), last_mod_by (Last Modified By), last_mod_date (Last Modified), memo * (Memo/Description), past_due * (Past Due), term_name (Terms), tx_date * (Date), txn_type * (Transaction Type), vend_bill_addr (Address), vend_comp_name (Company Name), vend_name * (Supplier), vend_pri_cont (Phone Numbers), vend_pri_email (Email), vend_pri_tel (Phone) Additional columns with location tracking enabled: dept_name * (Location) Additional columns based on multicurrency settings for the company: If Multicurrency is disabled: subt_neg_open_bal * (Open Balance), subt_neg_amount * (Amount) If Multicurrency is enabled: currency (Currency), exch_rate (Exchange Rate), neg_foreign_open_bal (Foreign Open Balance), neg_foreign_amount (Foreign Amount), subt_neg_home_open_bal * (Open Balance), subt_neg_home_amount * (Amount) Notes: - Default columns included in the report are denoted with *. - Location tracking is enabled for the company if you see a message indicating it is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Categories section. - Multicurrency is enabled for the company if you see a message indicating it is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Currency section. Example: columns: create_date,doc_num,due_date,past_due,tx_date,txn_type,vend_comp_name,vend_name,dept_name,subt_neg_home_open_bal,subt_neg_home_amount |
AP Aging Summary
Query attribute | String |
customer | Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. Example: customer: 10000000045,100000000067 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
qzurl | Specifies whether Quick Zoom URL information should be generated for rows in the report. Quick Zoom URL is a hyperlink to another report containing further details about the particular column of data. Supported Values: true, false Example: qzurl: true |
vendor | Filters report contents to include information for specified vendors. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated vendor IDs as returned in the attribute, Vendor.Id, of the Vendor object response code. Example: vendor: 1000000000000045,10000000000067 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 1000000000000045,10000000000067 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
report_date | Start date to use for the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
aging_method | The date upon which aging is determined. Supported Values:Report_Date, Current Example: aging_method: Report_Date |
AR Aging Detail
Query attribute | String |
customer |
Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. Example: customer: 10000000045,100000000067 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
shipvia | Filter by the shipping method as stored in Invoice.ShipMethodRef.Name. Supported Values: Any shipping method as sent in the Invoice.ShipMethodRef.Name attribute at Invoice create- or update-time. |
term | Filters report contents based on term or terms supplied. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated term IDs as returned in the attribute, Term.Id of the Term object response code. Example: term: 1000000000000045,10000000000067 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
end_duedate | The range of dates over which receivables are due, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If not specified, all data is returned. |
start_duedate | The range of dates over which receivables are due, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_duedate must be less than end_duedate. If not specified, all data is returned. |
custom1 | Filter by the specified custom field as defined by the CustomField attribute in transaction entities where supported. Supported Values: Name of the custom field. |
custom2 | Filter by the specified custom field as defined by the CustomField attribute in transaction entities where supported. Supported Values: Name of the custom field. |
custom3 | Filter by the specified custom field as defined by the CustomField attribute in transaction entities where supported. Supported Values: Name of the custom field. |
report_date | Start date to use for the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
num_periods | The number of periods to be shown in the report. Supported Values: A numeric value. Example: num_periods: 3 |
aging_method | The date upon which aging is determined. Supported Values:Report_Date, Current Example: aging_method: Current |
past_due | Filters report contents based on minimum days past due. Supported Values: Integer number of days. no filtering Example: past_due: 90 |
aging_period | The number of days in the aging period. Supported Values: A numeric value. Example: aging_period: 30 |
columns | Column types to be shown in the report. Supported Values: bill_addr (Billing Address), create_by (Created By), create_date (Create Date), cust_bill_email (Email), cust_comp_name (Company Name), cust_msg (Client/Supplier Message), cust_name * (Customer), deliv_addr (Delivery Address), doc_num * (No.), due_date * (Due Date), last_mod_by (Last Modified By), last_mod_date (Last Modified), memo * (Memo/Description), past_due (Past Due), sale_sent_state (Sent), ship_addr (Shipping Address), term_name (Terms), tx_date * (Date), txn_type * (Transaction Type) Additional columns with custom fields enabled: sales_cust1 , sales_cust2 , sales_cust3 Additional columns with location tracking enabled: dept_name * (Location) Additional columns based on multicurrency settings for the company: If Multicurrency is disabled: subt_open_bal * (Open Balance), subt_amount * (Amount) If Multicurrency is enabled: currency (Currency), exch_rate (Exchange Rate), foreign_open_bal (Foreign Open Balance), foreign_amount (Foreign Amount) Notes: - Default columns included in the report are denoted with *. - Custom field is enabled for the company if you see an option to manage your custom fields when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Sales and check the Sales form content section. - Location tracking is enabled for the company if you see a message indicating it is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Categories section. - Multicurrency is enabled for the company if you see a message indicating it is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Currency section. Example: columns: create_date,doc_num,due_date,last_mod_date,past_due,due_date,tx_date,txn_type,cust_name,dept_name,currency,exch_rate,foreign_open_bal,foreign_amount |
AR Aging Summary
Query attribute | String |
customer | Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. |
qzurl | Specifies whether Quick Zoom URL information should be generated for rows in the report. Quick Zoom URL is a hyperlink to another report containing further details about the particular column of data. Supported Values: true, false Example: qzurl: false |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 10000000000045,100000000067 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
report_date | Start date to use for the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
aging_method | The date upon which aging is determined. Supported Values:Report_Date, Current Example: aging_method: Current |
Balance Sheet
Query attribute | String |
customer | Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. Example: customer: 400000000000590202,400000000000590200 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
qzurl | Specifies whether Quick Zoom URL information should be generated for rows in the report. Quick Zoom URL is a hyperlink to another report containing further details about the particular column of data. Supported Values: true, false Example: qzurl: false |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values:Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Cash |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
adjusted_gain_loss | Specifies whether unrealized gain and losses are included in the report. Supported Values: true, false Example: adjusted_gain_loss: false |
class | Filters report contents to include information for specified classes if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated class IDs as returned in the attribute, Class.Id, of the Class entity response code. Example: class: 400000000000745452,400000000000590202 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
item | Filters report contents to include information for specified items. Supported Values: One or more comma separated item IDs as returned in the attribute, Item.Id,of the Item entity response code. Example: item: 4000000000007567431,400000000000678020 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 400000000000113445,400000000000778332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
summarize_column_by | The criteria by which to group the report results. Supported Values: Total, Month, Week, Days, Quarter, Year, Customers, Vendors, Classes, Departments, Employees, ProductsAndServices |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
vendor | Filters report contents to include information for specified vendors. Supported Values: One or more comma separated vendor IDs as returned in the attribute, Vendor.Id, of the Vendor object response code. Example: vendor: 400000000000765453,400000000000672313 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
Cash Flow
Query attribute | String |
customer | Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. Example: customer: 400000000000590202,400000000000590200 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
class | Filters report contents to include information for specified classes if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma separated class IDs as returned in the attribute, Class.Id, of the Class entity response code. Example: class: 400000000000113775,400000000000898332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
item | Filters report contents to include information for specified items. Supported Values: One or more comma separated item IDs as returned in the attribute, Item.Id,of the Item entity response code. Example: item: 400000000000113345,400000000000128332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 400000000000111145,400000000000700332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
summarize_column_by | The criteria by which to group the report results. Supported Values: Total, Month, Week, Days, Quarter, Year, Customers, Vendors, Classes, Departments, Employees, ProductsAndServices |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
vendor | Filters report contents to include information for specified vendors. Supported Values: One or more comma separated vendor IDs as returned in the attribute, Vendor.Id, of the Vendor object response code. Example: vendor: 400000000000115345,400000000000778212 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
Customer Balance
Query attribute | String |
customer | Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values:Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Accrual |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
arpaid | Supported Values: All, Paid, Unpaid Example: arpaid: Unpaid |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 400000000000111145,400000000000700332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
summarize_column_by | The criteria by which to group the report results. Supported Values: Total, Month, Week, Days, Quarter, Year, Customers, Vendors, Classes, Departments, Employees, ProductsAndServices |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
report_date | Start date to use for the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
Customer Balance Detail
Query attribute | String |
customer |
Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. |
shipvia | Filter by the shipping method as stored in Invoice.ShipMethodRef.Name. Supported Values: Any shipping method as sent in the Invoice.ShipMethodRef.Name attribute at Invoice create- or update-time. |
term | Filters report contents based on term or terms supplied. Supported Values: One or more comma separated term IDs as returned in the attribute, Term.Id of the Term object response code. Example: term: 400000000000111145,400000000000700332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
end_duedate | The range of dates over which receivables are due, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If not specified, all data is returned. |
start_duedate | The range of dates over which receivables are due, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_duedate must be less than end_duedate. If not specified, all data is returned. |
custom1 | Filter by the specified custom field as defined by the CustomField attribute in transaction entities where supported. Supported Values: Name of custom field. |
sort_by | The column type used in sorting report rows. Specify a column type as defined with the columns query parameter. |
arpaid | Supported Values:All, Paid, Unpaid Example: arpaid: Paid |
report_date | Start date to use for the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
sort_order |
The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
aging_method | The date upon which aging is determined. Supported Values:Report_Date, Current Example: aging_method: Current |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 400000000000111145,400000000000700332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
columns | Column types to be shown in the report. Supported Values: bill_addr (Billing Address), create_by (Created By), create_date (Create Date), cust_bill_email (Email), cust_comp_name (Company Name), cust_msg (Client/Supplier Message), cust_phone_other (Phone numbers), cust_tel (Phone), cust_name (Customer), deliv_addr (Delivery Address), doc_num * (No.), due_date * (Due Date), last_mod_by (Last Modified By), last_mod_date (Last Modified), memo * (Memo/Description), sale_sent_state (Sent), ship_addr (Shipping Address), ship_date (Ship Date), ship_via (Ship Via), term_name (Terms), tracking_num (Tracking Number), tx_date * (Date), txn_type * (Transaction Type)Additional columns with custom fields enabled: sales_cust1 , sales_cust2 , sales_cust3 Additional columns with location tracking enabled: dept_name * (Location) Additional columns based on multicurrency settings for the company: If Multicurrency is disabled: subt_open_bal * (Open Balance), subt_amount * (Amount) If Multicurrency is enabled: currency (Currency), exch_rate (Exchange Rate), foreign_open_bal (Foreign Open Balance), foreign_amount (Foreign Amount) Notes: - Default columns included in the report are denoted with *. - Custom field is enabled for the company if you see an option to manage your custom fields when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Sales and check the Sales form content section. - Location tracking is enabled for the company if you see a message indicating it is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Categories section. - Multicurrency is enabled for the company if you see a message indicating it is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Currency section. Example: columns: create_date,doc_num,due_date,last_mod_date,due_date,tx_date,txn_type,cust_name,dept_name,currency,exch_rate,foreign_open_bal,foreign_amount |
Customer Income
Query attribute | String |
customer | Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. Example: customer: 400000000000111145,400000000000700332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
term | Filters report contents based on term or terms supplied. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated term IDs as returned in the attribute, Term.Id of the Term object response code. Example: term: 400000000000111145,400000000000700332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values:Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Cash |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
class | Filters report contents to include information for specified classes if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated class IDs as returned in the attribute, Class.Id, of the Class entity response code. Example: class: 400000000000111145,400000000000700332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 400000000000111145,400000000000700332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
summarize_column_by | The criteria by which to group the report results. Supported Values: Total, Month, Week, Days, Quarter, Year, Customers, Vendors, Classes, Departments, Employees, ProductsAndServices |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
vendor | Filters report contents to include information for specified vendors. Supported Values: One or more comma separated vendor IDs as returned in the attribute, Vendor.Id, of the Vendor object response code. Example: vendor: 400000000000111145,400000000000700332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
Expenses by Vendor
Query attribute | String |
customer | Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. Example: customer: 400000000000111145,400000000000700332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values:Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Cash |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
class | Filters report contents to include information for specified classes if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma separated class IDs as returned in the attribute, Class.Id, of the Class entity response code. Example: class: 400000000000111145,400000000000700332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 400000000000111145,400000000000700332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
summarize_column_by | The criteria by which to group the report results. Supported Values: Total, Month, Week, Days, Quarter, Year, Customers, Vendors, Classes, Departments, Employees, ProductsAndServices |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
vendor | Filters report contents to include information for specified vendors. Supported Values: One or more comma separated vendor IDs as returned in the attribute, Vendor.Id, of the Vendor object response code. Example: vendor: 400000000000111145,400000000000700332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
General Ledger Detail
Query attribute | String |
customer | Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. Example: customer: 400000000000111145,400000000000700332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
account | Filters report contents to include information for specified accounts. Supported Values: One or more comma separated account IDs as returned in the attribute, Account.Id, of the Account object response code. Example: account: 12,55 |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values:Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Cash |
source_account | Filters report contents to include information for specified source accounts. Supported Values: One or more comma separated account IDs as returned in the attribute, Account.Id, of the Account object response code. |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
account_type | (source_account_type) Account type from which transactions are included in the report. Supported Values: AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, Bank, CostOfGoodsSold, CreditCard, Equity, Expense, FixedAsset, Income, LongTermLiability, NonPosting, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, OtherCurrentLiability, OtherExpense, OtherIncome |
sort_by | The column type used in sorting report rows. Specify a column type as defined with the columns query parameter. |
class | Filters report contents to include information for specified classes if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated class IDs as returned in the attribute, Class.Id, of the Class entity response code. |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. |
summarize_column_by | The criteria by which to group the report results. Supported Values: Total, Month, Week, Days, Quarter, Year, Customers, Vendors, Classes, Departments, Employees, ProductsAndServices |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
vendor | Filters report contents to include information for specified vendors. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated vendor IDs as returned in the attribute, Vendor.Id, of the Vendor object response code. Example: vendor: 1090000000045,1900000000056 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
columns | Column types to be shown in the report. Supported Values: account_name (Account), chk_print_state (Cheque printed), create_by (Created By), create_date (Create Date), cust_name (Customer), doc_num * (No.), emp_name (Employee), inv_date (Invoice Date), is_adj * (Adj), is_ap_paid (A/P Paid), is_ar_paid (A/R Paid), is_cleared (Clr), item_name (Product/Service), last_mod_by (Last Modified By), last_mod_date (Last Modified), memo * (Memo/Description), name * (Name), quantity (Qty), rate (Rate), split_acc * (Split), tx_date * (Date), txn_type * (Transaction Type), vend_name (Supplier) Additional columns when sales tax enabled: net_amount (Taxable Amount), tax_amount (Tax Amount), tax_code (Tax Name) Additional columns when account numbering enabled: account_num (Account No.) Additional columns when class tracking enabled: klass_name * (Class) Additional columns with location tracking enabled: dept_name * (Location) Additional columns based on multicurrency settings for the company: If Multicurrency is disabled: debt_amt (Debit), credit_amt (Credit), nat_open_bal (Open Balance), subt_nat_amount * (Amount - use for NonTracking disabled companies), subt_nat_amount_nt * (Amount - use for NonTracking enabled companies), rbal_nat_amount * (Balance- use for NonTracking disabled companies), rbal_nat_amount_nt * (Balance- use for NonTracking enabled companies), tax_amount (Tax Amount), net_amount (Taxable Amount) If Multicurrency is enabled: debt_home_amt (Debit), credit_home_amt (Credit), nat_home_open_bal (Open Balance), nat_foreign_open_bal (Foreign Open Balance), subt_nat_home_amount (Amount - use for NonTracking disabled companies), subt_nat_amount_home_nt (Amount - use for NonTracking enabled companies), rbal_nat_home_amount (Balance- use for NonTracking disabled companies), rbal_nat_amount_home_nt (Balance- use for NonTracking enabled companies), home_tax_amount (Tax Amount), home_net_amount (Taxable Amount), exch_rate (Exchange Rate), currency (Currency) Notes: - Default columns included in the report are denoted with *. - Sales tax is enabled for the company if you see tax agencies and rates when you navigate to Taxes in the left navigation menu. - Account numbering is enabled for the company if you see "Enable account numbers" is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Chart of Accounts section - Class tracking is enabled for the company if you see "Track classes" is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Categories section - Location tracking is enabled for the company if you see a message indicating it is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Categories section. - Multicurrency is enabled for the company if you see a message indicating it is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Currency section. - NonTracking status is enabled for the company if CompanyInfo.NameValue.Name.NonTracking is set to true. Currently enabled for Canadian company, other locales can be added in the future. Example: columns: account_name,create_date,cust_name,doc_num,emp_name,inv_date,item_name,last_mod_date,name,quantity,rate,tx_date,txn_type,vend_name,tax_code,account_num,klass_name |
Inventory Valuation Summary
Query attribute | String |
qzurl | Specifies whether Quick Zoom URL information should be generated for rows in the report. Quick Zoom URL is a hyperlink to another report containing further details about the particular column of data. Supported Values: true, false Example: qzurl: false |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
item | Filters report contents to include information for specified items. Supported Values: One or more comma separated item IDs as returned in the attribute, Item.Id,of the Item entity response code. Example: item: 1000000000045,10000000067 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
summarize_column_by | The criteria by which to group the report results. Supported Values: Total, Month, Week, Days, Quarter, Year, Customers, Vendors, Classes, Departments, Employees, ProductsAndServices |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
report_date | Start date to use for the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
Journal Report
Query attribute | String |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
sort_by | The column type used in sorting report rows. Specify a column type as defined with the columns query parameter. |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
columns | Column types to be shown in the report. Supported Values: acct_num_with_extn * (Account No.), account_name * (Account), credit_amt * (Credit), create_by (Created By), create_date (Create Date), debt_amt * (Debit), doc_num * (No.), due_date * (Due Date), is_ar_paid * (A/R Paid), is_ap_paid * (A/P Paid), item_name (Product/Service), journal_code_name *, last_mod_by (Last Modified By), last_mod_date (Last Modified), memo * (Memo/Description), name (Name), neg_open_bal (Open Balance), paid_date * (Payment Date), pmt_mthd * (Payment Method), quantity (Qty), rate (Rate), tx_date * (Date), txn_num *, txn_type * (Transaction Type) Notes: - Default columns included in the report are denoted with *. - To retrieve the account number (acct_num_with_extn) it's also needed to request the account name (account_name) in the same request. - The account number will only be returned if you see "Enable account numbers" is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Chart of Accounts section Example: columns: acct_num_with_extn,account_name,create_date,doc_num,item_name,last_mod_date,name,quantity,rate,tx_date,txn_type |
Profit And Loss Summary
Query attribute | String |
customer | Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. Example: customer: 400000000000590202,400000000000590200<br> |
qzurl | Specifies whether Quick Zoom URL information should be generated for rows in the report. Quick Zoom URL is a hyperlink to another report containing further details about the particular column of data. Supported Values: true, false Example: qzurl: false |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values:Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Accrual |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
adjusted_gain_loss | Specifies whether unrealized gain and losses are included in the report. Supported Values: true, false Example: adjusted_gain_loss: false |
class | Filters report contents to include information for specified classes if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated class IDs as returned in the attribute, Class.Id, of the Class entity response code. Example: class: 400000000000113445,400000000000778332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
item | Filters report contents to include information for specified items. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated item IDs as returned in the attribute, Item.Id,of the Item entity response code. Example: item: 400000000000113445,400000000000778332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 400000000000113445,400000000000778332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
summarize_column_by | The criteria by which to group the report results. Supported Values: Total, Month, Week, Days, Quarter, Year, Customers, Vendors, Classes, Departments, Employees, ProductsAndServices |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
vendor | Filters report contents to include information for specified vendors. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated vendor IDs as returned in the attribute, Vendor.Id, of the Vendor object response code. Example: vendor: 400000000000113445,400000000000778332 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
Profit And Loss Detail
Query attribute | String |
customer | Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. Example: customer: 400000000000590202,400000000000590200 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
account | (source_account_type) Filters report contents to include information for specified accounts. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated account IDs as returned in the attribute, Account.Id, of the Account object response code. Example: account: 12,55 |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values:Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Cash |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
adjusted_gain_loss | Specifies whether unrealized gains and losses are included in the report. Supported Values: true, false Example: adjusted_gain_loss: false |
class | Filters report contents to include information for specified classes if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated class IDs as returned in the attribute, Class.Id, of the Class entity response code. Example: class: 400000000000590202,400000000000590200 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 400000000000590202,400000000000590200 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
sort_by | The column type used in sorting report rows. Specify a column type as defined with the columns query parameter. |
payment_method | Filters report contents based on payment method. Supported Values: Cash, Check, Dinners Club, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa Example: payment_method: Check |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
vendor | Filters report contents to include information for specified vendors. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated vendor IDs as returned in the attribute, Vendor.Id, of the Vendor object response code. Example: vendor: 400000000000590202,400000000000590200 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
employee | Filters report contents to include information for specified employees. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated account IDs as returned in the attribute, Employee.Id, of the Employee entity response code. Example: employee: 400000000000590202,400000000000590200 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
account_type | Account type from which transactions are included in the report. Supported Values: AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, Bank, CostOfGoodsSold, CreditCard, Equity, Expense, FixedAsset, Income, LongTermLiability, NonPosting, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, OtherCurrentLiability, OtherExpense, OtherIncome Example: account_type: AccountsPayable |
columns | Column types to be shown in the report. Supported Values: create_by (Created By), create_date (Create Date), doc_num * (No.), last_mod_by (Last Modified By), last_mod_date (Last Modified), memo * (Memo/Description), name * (Name), pmt_mthd (Payment Method), split_acc * (Split), tx_date * (Date), txn_type * (Transaction Type) Additional columns with tax enabled: tax_code (Tax Name) Additional columns with class tracking enabled: klass_name * (Class) Additional columns with location tracking enabled: dept_name * (Location) Additional columns based on multicurrency settings for the company: If Multicurrency is disabled: debt_amt (Debit), credit_amt (Credit), nat_open_bal (Open Balance), subt_nat_amount * (Amount - use for NonTracking disabled companies), subt_nat_amount_nt * (Amount - use for NonTracking enabled companies), rbal_nat_amount * (Balance- use for NonTracking disabled companies), rbal_nat_amount_nt * (Balance- use for NonTracking enabled companies), tax_amount (Tax Amount), net_amount (Taxable Amount) If Multicurrency is enabled: debt_home_amt (Debit), credit_home_amt (Credit), nat_home_open_bal (Open Balance), nat_foreign_open_bal (Foreign Open Balance), subt_nat_home_amount (Amount - use for NonTracking disabled companies), subt_nat_amount_home_nt (Amount - use for NonTracking enabled companies), rbal_nat_home_amount (Balance- use for NonTracking disabled companies), rbal_nat_amount_home_nt (Balance- use for NonTracking enabled companies), home_tax_amount (Tax Amount), home_net_amount (Taxable Amount), exch_rate (Exchange Rate), currency (Currency) Notes: - Default columns included in the report are denoted with *. - Tax is enabled for the company if you see tax agencies and rates when you navigate to Taxes in the left navigation menu. - Class tracking is enabled for the company if you see "Track classes" is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Categories section - Location tracking is enabled for the company if you see a message indicating it is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Categories section. - Multicurrency is enabled for the company if you see a message indicating it is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Currency section. - NonTracking status is enabled for the company if CompanyInfo.NameValue.Name.NonTracking is set to true. Currently enabled for Canadian company, other locales can be added in the future. Example: columns: account_name,create_date,cust_name,doc_num,emp_name,inv_date,item_name,last_mod_date,name,quantity,rate,tx_date,txn_type,vend_name,tax_code,account_num,klass_name |
Sales by Class Summary
Query attribute | String |
customer | Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. Example: customer: 400000000000590202,400000000000590200 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values:Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Accrual |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
class | Filters report contents to include information for specified classes if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma separated class IDs as returned in the attribute, Class.Id, of the Class entity response code. Example: class: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
item | Filters report contents to include information for specified items. Supported Values: One or more comma separated item IDs as returned in the attribute, Item.Id,of the Item entity response code. Example: item: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
summarize_column_by | The criteria by which to group the report results. Supported Values: Total, Month, Week, Days, Quarter, Year, Customers, Vendors, Classes, Departments, Employees, ProductsAndServices |
Sales by Customer
Query attribute | String |
customer | Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. Example: customer: 400000000000590202,400000000000590200 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
qzurl | Specifies whether Quick Zoom URL information should be generated for rows in the report. Quick Zoom URL is a hyperlink to another report containing further details about the particular column of data. Supported Values: true, false Example: qzurl: false |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values: Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Cash |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
class | Filters report contents to include information for specified classes if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma separated class IDs as returned in the attribute, Class.Id, of the Class entity response code. Example: class: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
item | Filters report contents to include information for specified items. Supported Values: One or more comma separated item IDs as returned in the attribute, Item.Id,of the Item entity response code. Example: item: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
summarize_column_by | The criteria by which to group the report results. Supported Values: Total, Month, Week, Days, Quarter, Year, Customers, Vendors, Classes, Departments, Employees, ProductsAndServices |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
Sales by Department
Query attribute | String |
customer | Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. Example: customer: 400000000000590202,400000000000590200 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values:Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Accrual |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
class | Filters report contents to include information for specified classes if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma separated class IDs as returned in the attribute, Class.Id, of the Class entity response code. Example: class: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
item | Filters report contents to include information for specified items. Supported Values: One or more comma separated item IDs as returned in the attribute, Item.Id,of the Item entity response code. Example: item: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
summarize_column_by | The criteria by which to group the report results. Supported Values: Total, Month, Week, Days, Quarter, Year, Customers, Vendors, Classes, Departments, Employees, ProductsAndServices |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
Sales by Product
Query attribute | String |
customer | Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. Example: customer: 400000000000590202,400000000000590200 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values: Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Cash |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
start_duedate | The range of dates over which receivables are due, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_duedate must be less than end_duedate. If not specified, all data is returned. |
end_duedate | The range of dates over which receivables are due, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_duedate must be less than end_duedate. If not specified, all data is returned. |
class | Filters report contents to include information for specified classes if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated class IDs as returned in the attribute, Class.Id, of the Class entity response code. Example: class: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
item | Filters report contents to include information for specified items. Supported Values: One or more comma separated item IDs as returned in the attribute, Item.Id,of the Item entity response code. Example: item: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
summarize_column_by | The criteria by which to group the report results. Supported Values: Total, Month, Week, Days, Quarter, Year, Customers, Vendors, Classes, Departments, Employees, ProductsAndServices |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
Tax Summary
Query attribute | String |
agency_id Required attribute |
The Id of the agency for which to generate the report. Supported Values:1, 2 |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values:Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Cash |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
Transaction List
Query attribute | String |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
payment_method | Filters report contents based on payment method. Supported Values: Cash, Check, Dinners Club, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa Example: payment_method: Check |
duedate_macro | Predefined date range of due dates for balances to include in the report; otherwise, use the start_duedate and end_duedate to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
arpaid | Supported Values:All, Paid, Unpaid Example: arpaid: Unpaid |
bothamount | Filters report contents to include information for specified transaction amount. For example, bothamount=1233.45 limits report contents to transactions of amount 1233.45. Example: bothamount: 1233.45 |
transaction_type | Filters report contents based transaction type. Supported values include: CreditCardCharge, Check, Invoice, ReceivePayment, JournalEntry, Bill, CreditCardCredit, VendorCredit, Credit, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Transfer, Deposit, Statement, BillableCharge, TimeActivity, CashPurchase, SalesReceipt, CreditMemo, CreditRefund, Estimate, InventoryQuantityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, GlobalTaxPayment, GlobalTaxAdjustment, Service Tax Refund, Service Tax Gross Adjustment, Service Tax Reversal, Service Tax Defer, Service Tax Partial Utilisation Example: transaction_type: Invoice |
docnum | Filters report contents to include information for specified transaction number, as found in the docnum parameter of the transaction object. |
start_moddate | (Account List Detail) Specify an explicit account modification report date range, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use the moddate_macro to cover a standard report date range. |
source_account_type | Account type from which transactions are included in the report. Supported Values: AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, Bank, CostOfGoodsSold, CreditCard, Equity, Expense, FixedAsset, Income, LongTermLiability, NonPosting, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, OtherCurrentLiability, OtherExpense, OtherIncome Example: source_account_type: Invoice |
group_by | The field in the transaction by which to group results. Supported Values: Name, Account, Transaction Type, Customer, Vendor, Employee, Location, Payment Method, Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year, None |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
start_duedate | The range of dates over which receivables are due, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_duedate must be less than end_duedate. If not specified, all data is returned. |
end_duedate | The range of dates over which receivables are due, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_duedate must be less than end_duedate. If not specified, all data is returned. |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
columns | Column types to be shown in the report. Supported Values: account_name * (Account), create_by (Created By), create_date (Create Date), cust_msg (Client/Supplier Message), due_date (Due Date), doc_num * (No.), inv_date (Invoice Date), is_ap_paid (A/P Paid), is_cleared (Clr), is_no_post * (Posting), last_mod_by (Last Modified By), memo * (Memo/Description), name * (Name), other_account * (Split), pmt_mthd (Payment Method), printed , sales_cust1 , sales_cust2 , sales_cust3 , term_name (Terms), tracking_num , tx_date * (Date), txn_type * (Transaction Type), is_adj (Adj), last_mod_date (Last Modified), ship_via (Ship Via), olb_status (Online Banking), extra_doc_num (Ref No.), is_ar_paid (A/R Paid) Additional columns with location tracking enabled: dept_name * (Location) Additional columns based on multicurrency settings for the company: If Multicurrency is disabled: debt_amt (Debit), credit_amt (Credit), nat_open_bal (Open Balance), subt_nat_amount * (Amount), tax_amount (Tax Amount), net_amount (Taxable Amount) If Multicurrency is enabled: debt_home_amt (Debit), credit_home_amt (Credit), nat_home_open_bal (Open Balance), subt_nat_home_amount * (Amount), home_tax_amount (Tax Amount), home_net_amount (Taxable Amount), exch_rate (Exchange Rate), currency (Currency) Notes: - Default columns included in the report are denoted with *. - Location tracking is enabled for the company if you see a message indicating it is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Categories section. - Multicurrency is enabled for the company if you see a message indicating it is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Currency section. Example: columns: account_name,create_date,cust_name,doc_num,emp_name,inv_date,item_name,last_mod_date,name,quantity,rate,tx_date,txn_type,vend_name,tax_code,account_num,klass_name |
vendor | Filters report contents to include information for specified vendors. Supported Values: One or more comma separated vendor IDs as returned in the attribute, Vendor.Id, of the Vendor object response code. Example: vendor: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
memo | Filters report contents to include information for specified memo. Supported Values: One or more comma separated memo IDs. |
appaid | Status of the balance. Supported Values: Paid, Unpaid, All Example: appaid: Paid |
moddate_macro | Predefined report account modification date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range when accounts were modified; otherwise, use the start_moddate and end_moddate to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
printed | Filters report contents based on whether checks are printed or not. Supported Values: Printed, To_be_printed Example: printed: Printed |
createdate_macro | Predefined report account create date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard create report date range; otherwise, use start_createdate and end_createdate to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
cleared | Filters report contents to include information for specified check status. Supported Values: Cleared, Uncleared, Reconciled, Deposited Example: cleared: Cleared |
customer | Filters report contents to include information for specified customers. Supported Values: One or more comma separated customer IDs as returned in the attribute, Customer.Id, of the Customer object response code. Example: customer: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
qzurl | Specifies whether Quick Zoom URL information should be generated for rows in the report. Quick Zoom URL is a hyperlink to another report containing further details about the particular column of data. Supported Values: true, false Example: qzurl: false |
term | Filters report contents based on term or terms supplied. Supported Values: One or more comma separated term IDs as returned in the attribute, Term.Id of the Term object response code. Example: term: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
end_createdate | Specify an explicit account create report date range, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use createdate_macro to cover a standard report date range. |
name | Filters report contents based on the specified comma-separated list of ids for the name list customer, vendor, or employee objects. Query the Customer, Vendor, or Employee name list resource to determine the list of objects for this reference. Specify values found in Customer.Id, Vendor.Id, and Employee.Id. For example, name=1,4,7 includes data in the report for namelist ids 1, 4, and 7. vendor and employee objects |
sort_by | The column type used in sorting report rows. Specify a column type as defined with the columns query parameter. |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
start_createdate | Specify an explicit account create report date range, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use createdate_macro to cover a standard report date range. |
end_moddate | (Account List Detail) Specify an explicit account modification report date range, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use the moddate_macro to cover a standard report date range. |
Trial Balance
Query attribute | String |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values:Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Cash |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
summarize_column_by | The criteria by which to group the report results. Supported Values: Total, Month, Week, Days, Quarter, Year, Customers, Vendors, Classes, Departments, Employees, ProductsAndServices |
Vendor Balance
Query attribute | String |
qzurl | Specifies whether Quick Zoom URL information should be generated for rows in the report. Quick Zoom URL is a hyperlink to another report containing further details about the particular column of data. Supported Values: true, false Example: qzurl: true |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values:Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Cash |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
appaid | Status of the balance. Supported Values: Paid, Unpaid, All Example: appaid: Unpaid |
report_date | Start date to use for the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
summarize_column_by | The criteria by which to group the report results. Supported Values: Total, Month, Week, Days, Quarter, Year, Customers, Vendors, Classes, Departments, Employees, ProductsAndServices |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
vendor | Filters report contents to include information for specified vendors. Supported Values: One or more comma separated vendor IDs as returned in the attribute, Vendor.Id, of the Vendor object response code. Example: vendor: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
Vendor Balance Detail
Query attribute | String |
term | Filters report contents based on term or terms supplied. Supported Values: One or more comma separated term IDs as returned in the attribute, Term.Id of the Term object response code. Example: term: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
duedate_macro | Predefined date range of due dates for balances to include in the report; otherwise, use the start_duedate and end_duedate to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
start_duedate | The range of dates over which receivables are due, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_duedate must be less than end_duedate. If not specified, all data is returned. |
end_duedate | The range of dates over which receivables are due, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_duedate must be less than end_duedate. If not specified, all data is returned. |
accounting_method | The accounting method used in the report. Supported Values:Cash, Accrual Example: accounting_method: Cash |
start_date | The start date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
end_date | The end date of the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date must be less than end_date. Use if you want the report to cover an explicit date range; otherwise, use date_macro to cover a standard report date range. If not specified value of date_macro is used |
date_macro | Predefined date range. Use if you want the report to cover a standard report date range; otherwise, use the start_date and end_date to cover an explicit report date range. Supported Values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Week-to-date, Last Week-to-date, Next Week, Next 4 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Month-to-date, Last Month-to-date, Next Month, This Fiscal Quarter, Last Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Last Fiscal Quarter-to-date, Next Fiscal Quarter, This Fiscal Year, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year-to-date, Last Fiscal Year-to-date, Next Fiscal Year |
appaid | Status of the balance. Supported Values: Paid, Unpaid, All Example: appaid: Paid |
report_date | Start date to use for the report, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
department | Filters report contents to include information for specified departments if so configured in the company file. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated department IDs as returned in the attribute, Department.Id of the Department object response code. Example: department: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 Note: please use lowercase for the attribute name and don't add space between query parameter values, when specifying multiple values. |
sort_by | The column type used in sorting report rows. Specify a column type as defined with the columns query parameter. |
sort_order | The sort order. Supported Values: ascend, descend |
vendor | Filters report contents to include information for specified vendors. Supported Values: One or more comma-separated vendor IDs as returned in the attribute, Vendor.Id, of the Vendor object response code. Example: vendor: 2342343240000000333,3232423434000000012121 |
columns | Column types to be shown in the report. Supported Values: create_by (Created By), create_date (Create Date), doc_num * (No.), due_date * (Due Date), last_mod_by (Last Modified By), last_mod_date (Last Modified), memo * (Memo/Description), term_name (Terms), tx_date * (Date), txn_type * (Transaction Type), vend_bill_addr (Address), vend_comp_name (Company Name), vend_name * (Supplier), vend_pri_cont (Phone Numbers), vend_pri_email (Email), vend_pri_tel (Phone) Additional columns with location tracking enabled: dept_name * (Location) Additional columns based on multicurrency settings for the company: If Multicurrency is disabled: subt_neg_open_bal * (Open Balance), subt_neg_amount * (Amount) If Multicurrency is enabled: currency (Currency), exch_rate (Exchange Rate), neg_foreign_open_bal (Foreign Open Balance), neg_foreign_amount (Foreign Amount), subt_neg_home_open_bal * (Open Balance), subt_neg_home_amount * (Amount) Notes: - Default columns included in the report are denoted with *. - Location tracking is enabled for the company if you see a message indicating it is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Categories section. - Multicurrency is enabled for the company if you see a message indicating it is turned on when you navigate to Settings (Gear icon) > Account and settings > Advanced tab and check the Currency section. Example: columns: create_date,doc_num,due_date,last_mod_date,past_due,tx_date,txn_type,vend_bill_addr,vend_comp_name,vend_name,dept_name,subt_neg_home_open_bal,subt_neg_home_amount |