User roles in

It is possible to add an unlimited number of members to the account. Each added member can have one of the available roles: " owner", "user" or "guest".

Table of contents

  1. "Owner" role
  2. 'User" role
  3. "Guest" role

1. "Owner" role

The " Owner" role is assigned to you automatically when you create a new account. Also, you can assign this role to any member of your account. To do this:

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Navigate to the "Users" page.
  3. Select the "owner" role in the drop-down list for a team member that you want to upgrade: 

  4. Ask a team member with an updated role to log out from and Sign In again to apply new role rules.

Account member with an assigned "owner" role is able to perform the next actions:

  1. Create / Run / Edit / Copy / Delete importers created by him.
  2. Run / Edit / Copy / Delete importers created by other members of this account.
  3. Create / Reconnect / Disconnect his private and all shared connections.
  4. View Account Usage.
  5. Invite / Delete users from the account.
  6. Update the role of the user in the account.
  7. Manage billing subscription.
  8. Change Account settings.
  9. Send a request to our support team and review Help Center articles.
  10. Delete account.

Account member with an assigned "owner" role is NOT able to perform the next actions:

  1. View / Reconnect / Disconnect private connections created by other users.

2. "User" role

The "User" role is assigned to you automatically when some "owner" invites you to their account. 

Account member with an assigned "user" role is able to perform the next actions:

  1. Create / Run / Edit / Copy / Delete importers created by him.
  2. Run / Edit importers created by other members of this account.
  3. Create / Reconnect / Disconnect his private and all shared connections.
  4. View Account Usage.
  5. Invite / Delete users from the account.
  6. Manage billing subscription.
  7. Send a request to our support team and review Help Center articles.

Account member with an assigned "user" role is NOT able to perform the next actions:

  1. Copy / Delete importers created by other users.
  2. View / Reconnect / Disconnect private connections created by other users.
  3. Assign "user", "guest" roles to invited users.
  4. Change Account settings.
  5. Delete account.

3. "Guest" role

As an owner of the account, you can assign the "Guest" role to any user that you invite to the account. This role is the most limited one, so can be used by external consultants or support engineers that should not see additional account information.

Account member with an assigned "guest" role is able to perform the next actions:

  1. Create / Run / Edit / Copy / Delete importers created by him.
  2. Create / Reconnect / Disconnect his private and his shared connections.
  3. Share his private connections.
  4. Send a request to our support team and review Help Center articles.

Account member with an assigned "guest" role is NOT able to perform the next actions:

  1. View importers created by other users.
  2. View / Reconnect / Disconnect private connections created by other users (both private and shared).
  3. Review Account Usage, Users list, Account settings, Billing settings.
  4. Delete account.
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