[Legacy] How does Coupler.io calculate billing limits?
Our pricing is designed to let you only pay for effective usage. Coupler.io counts the number of runs you performed and the max size of data you imported in the billing period.
Table of contents
- Introducing the limits
- An example of the runs limit calculation
- An example of max import size limit calculation
- Notifications about exceeded limits and the possibility to use Coupler.io
1. Introducing the limits
The runs limit - the maximum number of successful manual and automatic runs per month.
It is a cumulative limit - each new successful run increases the general count by 1.
- If an importer run is finished with an error, the count of runs is not increased.
- If an importer run is finished with success but did not change data in the destination, the count of runs is increased.
The max import size (rows) limit - the maximum number of rows you can pull from an app acting as a data source (Airtable, Pipedrive, etc.) per one run.
This limit is calculated for the importer during its run. It is not a cumulative limit - each bigger value replaces a smaller one. You are not able to fetch more rows than your current plan allows, so the data will be cut if you try to fetch more.
The Max import size visible on the Account Usage page is calculated as the maximum number of rows imported by any of your importers during the billing period.
You can add a limited number of users to your billing plan:
Once you add the maximum number of users to your account, on the Users page, you will see an error message explaining that you cannot add more users:
Coupler.io allows you to schedule importers' runs with intervals starting from every month to every 15 minutes depending on the billing plan:
2. An example of the runs limit calculation
You created 3 importers to pull different data from Pipedrive on an hourly basis from 8:00 to 18:00.
So, no matter if data was changed in the source or not, your account will use the following number of runs per month:
11 (number of runs per day) * 3 (number of importers) * 31 (days in month) = 1 023 runs
3. An example of max import size limit calculation
You created a Pipedrive importer to fetch Pipedrive Deals on a daily basis.
On day 1, you have 100 deals, on day 2 - 250, and on day 10 - 1 500 deals. On day 11, you changed the filtering rule and have only 150 deals to fetch.
During these changes in source data, the max import size will have the next values:
Day 1:100
Day 2: 250
Day 10: 1 500
Day 11: 1 500
Day 32 (start of new billing period): 0
If an importer run is finished with an error, the max import size will not change.
4. Notifications about exceeded limits and the possibility to use Coupler.io
4.1 Runs limit
In case you reached from 80% to 99% of your runs limit, you will see the next warning notification:
You will also receive an email notification about the almost reached plan limits. Note: We only send 1 notification email.
With this warning visible, you are able to proceed using Coupler.io until you reach the 100% limit.
In case you reached the 100% limit of runs available in your plan, you will see the next error notification:
You will also receive an email notification about the reached limits. Note: We only send 1 notification email.
You will be able to run your importers, but they will finish with an error:
Your scheduled importers will try to run several times. If you do not upgrade the billing plan -> the automatic run will be disabled.
Once you upgrade the billing plan or the new billing period starts -> all your usage stats will be reset and scheduled importers can be activated again.
4.2 Max data size limit
In case you reached the max data size per import available in your billing plan, you will see the next notification after the importer run is finished:
This notification is only visible after an importer's run that exceeds the limit. After you run the importer using a source dataset that does not exceed the limit, this notification will be hidden. This limit is calculated separately for each importer. Once your scheduled importer reaches this limit, you will receive an email notification about this, and the scheduler will be turned off. To proceed with automatic runs for this data set, you'll need to upgrade the billing plan or reduce the data size.