WordPress data source

Learn how to set up a WordPress data source and then move this data to one of the supported by Coupler.io data destinations.

Video tutorials:

Detailed instructions to complete the setup:

  1. Set up your data source
  2. Set up your data destination

1. Set up your data source

1.1. Select an application: WordPress

1.2. Connect a WordPress account

  • Click Connect.
  • Pick the WordPress Account you want to connect to.
  • Sign in to the chosen WordPress Account.
  • Coupler.io will need this access to import WordPress data over to Google Sheets. Click Approve to grant access.

1.2. Pick a stats type

You may pick one of these stats types: Summary, Top Posts, Referrers, Outbound Clicks

1.3. Choose the period

The available period options are day, week, month, year.

1.4. Specify the Start date to filter your data from

This field supports macro. Learn more.

1.5. Specify the number of maximum results per period

By default, the maximum number of results per period is 100. You may adjust it to the number that fits your use case.

2. Set up your data destination

Continue setting up the integration depending on the system where you want to import data to. See full list of supported data destinations and follow set up guide for chosen one.

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