HubSpot data source

Learn how to set up a HubSpot data source and then move this data to one of the supported by data destinations.

The 2 steps to complete the setup

  1. Set up your data source
  2. Set up your data destination

1. Set up your data source

1.1. Select an application: HubSpot

1.2. Connect a HubSpot account

  • Click CONNECT.
  • Log in to the chosen HubSpot account. 
  • will need access to view your HubSpot data. Click Allow to grant access.

1.3. Select a data entity 

Select a data category to import: Deals, Contacts, Companies, Products, Line items.

1.4. Specify columns to be imported (optional)

Note that if while setting up the source, no columns are specified, we will import a list of basic columns and all custom columns.

Subsequently, if you wish to import only specific columns, you can copy and paste the column names and select the ones you need for import.

You just need to enter each of the needed columns names in a new line and order them the way you want. will preserve your data shape:

This is how the column names will look on the source set up:

If you specify the column names manually, rather than importing all columns or selecting the available columns from the drop-down, please ensure that the names are entered correctly, without any extra spaces or invisible characters. This will ensure that the data is properly displayed in your destination file. Otherwise, you may only see the column headers without any corresponding data. See how to define the column's internal name.

Some of the most popular requested columns are: dealstage_name, pipeline_name, hubspot_owner_name. Note that these columns need to be combined with other columns —> dealstage, pipeline and hubspot_owner_id. Otherwise, they will be returned empty.

Return Ids for lookups instead of labels Feature:

This feature, allows you to either import your data in its original form (as IDs) or with the display value (label) instead. For example, in HubSpot, you might have properties like "Contact Owner" or "Deal Stage." Instead of importing the actual name of the owner or the label for the deal stage (like "Prospecting" or "Closed/Won"), the importer will retrieve the ID associated with those properties.

This is an example of how the same value can look different when the Toggle is ON or OFF:

Toggle ON:

Toggle OFF:

1.5. Provide date filters (optional)

It is possible to filter data using 4 date filters:

  • Created after date - refers to the creation date of a selected data entity
  • Created before date - refers to the creation date of a selected data entity
  • Updated after date -  refers to the creation date of a selected data entity 
  • Updated before date - refers to the updating date of a selected data entity 

Date filters support dates in the following formats:

  • YYYY-MM-DD: as example 2022-05-10
  • date macro: as examples: {{today}}, {{yesterday}}, {{thismonthstart}}, {{thisyearstart}} 

1.6. Provide advanced filters (optional)

It is possible to filter data by any indexed HubSpot field (basic or custom). To define an advanced filter, you need to:

  • enter property name (e.g. "dealstage")
  • select condition (one of the available options: Equal / Not equal, Contains / Doesn’t contain, Greater than / Less than, Greater than or equal to / Less than or equal to, Has a value / Doesn’t have a value)
  • enter value (e.g. "closedwon")

You can use up to 2 filters:

Read more about advanced filter usage and check examples here.

Note: You can add up to 2 filters in the importer settings. If you set up 3 or more filters in the same importer, you will receive an execution error: 

2. Set up your data destination

Continue the integration setup depending on the destination to which you want to import data. See the full list of supported data destinations and follow the setup guide for the chosen one.

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