09-03-21: Set up importers from the [web]!
Welcome to a new edition of the Release Notes!
What’s new
- Set up importers from the [web]
- Rename connections: source and destination
- Filter Trello data by date
1. Set up importers from the [web]
From now on, it is possible to create integrations from the [web] version of Coupler.io. To learn more about this major product update, as well as plans for the immediate future, please read this blog post.
Here is the gif showing only the beginning of the flow. In the blog post, you can see this integration setup flow till the end.
2. Rename connections: source and destination
A user can now rename their existing connections (sources and destinations). We believe that replacing the automatic generation of names based on account ID with the custom one will streamline the importer creation process.
3. Filter Trello data by date
We’ve added one more parameter to the Trello importer setup flow to allow you to specify the data entity’s creation date after which Coupler.io should export Trello data.