07-01-21: Launch of the new Shopify importer!

Welcome to a new edition of the Release Notes! 

What’s new

  1. Welcome the new Shopify importer!
  2. JSON importer now supports date and time macro
  3. Open data destination from the web
  4. Attention: new Support Email address!

1. Welcome the new Shopify importer!

The new importer allows connecting Shopify to Google Sheets to pull:

  • Customers: customer first and last names, email, total spent per customer, product ID, last order ID, and other information.
  • Products: product ID, product title, product vendor, product published and updated dates, product variation IDs and their titles, price, SKU, and other information.
  • Orders: order ID, email, order creation and update date, order number, token, total price, total weight, total tax, currency, financial status, and other information. 
  • Orders with line items: order ID, email address, token, total price, total weight, total tax, financial status, total discounts, total line items, order status, line item’s id, line item’s title, line item’s variant ID, line item’s variant title, and other information.

If you want to set up your first Shopify importer, please use this guide.

2. JSON importer now supports date and time macro

Macro is a pattern that specifies how a certain input should be mapped to or “interpreted” as a specific value. 

In the JSON Client importer, you can use macros for date-time strings.

For example, you don’t have to manually specify yesterday's date-time value in the URL query string or request body. Instead, you can type {{yesterday}}, and the importer will automatically interpolate it with yesterday’s date-time value.

Read this guide to learn how to use macros for your JSON importers and review the full list of supported by Coupler.io macros.

3. Open data destination from the web

From now on, you can open your data destination from the web version of our product. 

Note: you can do it for your importers (not your team's importers).

4. Attention: new Support Email Address

Please note that we’ve created a new support email address for you: contact@coupler.io

The old email will still be in use for some time. However, we urge you to start using the new one.

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