16-11-20: Meet the new [web] Importers page and more!

Welcome to a new edition of the Release Notes! 

Today is a special day for all of us! 

With this Product Release, we’ve become one step closer to enabling importer creation and setup from the Coupler.io web version!

What's new

1. Launching the Importers web page

1.1.The Importers Overview page

1.2. The Importers Detail page

2. Changes in QuickBooks Reports importer 

3. We welcome your feedback!

1. Launching the Importers web page

We invite you to check out the new Importers page that represents a list of all integrations you and your team have created in your Coupler.io account. 

Read these Release Notes till the end to discover all features and functionality it has to offer.

1.1. The Importers Overview page

It allows you to:

  • View importers created by you and your team members (under the “Team Importers” tab).
  • Review the information about the last import date and time, as well as see the time scheduled for the next import to run.
  • See errors occurring for a specific importer and their description.
  • Search importers by name.
  • Run a single, all, or several chosen importers manually (trigger a data refresh by pressing the “Run” button).
Note: it is also possible to run importers that were configured using different destination accounts. 
  • Sort by “Last imported”, “Last created”, “Last modified”, “Name”, order by “Ascending” or “Descending”.
  • Delete importers.

1.2. The Importer’s Detail page

It allows you to:

  • Edit importer’s name.
  • View importer’s name, usage information, schedule, as well as source and destination settings.
  • Switch on or off the automatic data refresh, change schedule, and amend timezone settings.
  • Manually run an importer from this view.
  • Open the destination document to edit the integration settings or view the imported data.

2. Changes in QuickBooks Reports importer 

  • From now on, you can choose one of the pre-defined Report period values, such as Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, etc.

  • Additionally, you may choose to present data from one of your reports in a bit different way. To do it, choose the parameters to be used as column names straight from the importer interface. 

  • Pick the Start and the End date for a chosen report.

3. We welcome your feedback!

Please try using the new Importers Overview and Detail pages and let us know what you think about it by sharing your feedback with us at contact@coupler.io

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